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Introduction: Connecting narratives of education. Chapter 1
(Chapter, 2024) -
New democratic designs and world making: The theatrical public sphere and the struggle for the New Constitution in Zimbabwe – Access to justice and accountable institutions for all. Chapter 2
(Chapter, 2024)Goal 16 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals speaks of promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development. This includes providing access to justice for all and building effective, ... -
Performance of protest: People with learning disabilities march in the streets of Trondheim, Norway, 2019. Chapter 5
(Chapter, 2024)Abstract: This chapter addresses how people with learning disabilities in the city of Trondheim, Norway, spoke up regarding the precarity of their living conditions through the demonstration, Life Matters, in 2019. I ... -
Responsibilization of actors in care and other welfare services: A focus on for-profits in Norwegian nursing homes. Chapter 4
(Chapter, 2024)This chapter explores the shifting of responsibility between state and municipalities in Norway, focusing on the role of for-profit organizations in the nursing home sector. It is argued that a “responsibilization game” ... -
As beings, children need to be at home. Chapter 8
(Chapter, 2023)Building upon the philosophical insights of Martin Heidegger and Gaston Bachelard, this chapter delves into the essence of what it truly means for human beings to have a home and inhabit it. It explores how this understanding ... -
Analýza hodnotení pripravenosti zapojených zariadení sociálnych služieb. Národný projekt: Deinštitucionalizácia zariadení sociálnych služieb – podpora transformačných tímov.
(Book, 2023)Národný projekt: Deinštitucionalizácia zariadení sociálnych služieb – podpora transformačných tímov (ďalej len NPDI PTT) podporoval zariadenia, ktoré sa zapojili do procesu deinštitucionalizácie, respektíve prípravy na ... -
Time and topos in migratory trajectories: Mapping memory and lived experiences of religion among syrian refugees in Norway. Chapter 4
(Chapter, 2023)This chapter addresses the interconnection of religion and displacement in a conflict-induced Syrian refugee context. After more than a decade of bloodshed and undissolved war, an unprecedented displacement crisis has led ... -
Fra miljølære til bærekraftsundervisning: En økokritisk analyse av fagfornyelsen. Kapittel 2
(Chapter, 2023)In this chapter, I analyse the Norwegian curricula for environmental and sustainability education in search of the environmental pedagogy expressed in the present plans. I find that the plans are dominated by a knowledge-based ... -
10. Materiality and the enactment of citizenship in assisted living facilities for young adults.
(Chapter, 2022)Building on empirical data, this chapter explores the relationship between materiality and citizenship in assisted living facilities. The notion of arrangements is mobilized to show how different forms of citizenship are ... -
Systemic perspectives and psychiatric diagnosis: Mutually exclusive or mutually inclusive? Chapter 7
(Chapter, 2023)In common with most others who work in the field of mental health, the authors have been obliged to develop a professional relationship with the two dominant diagnostic guides, The International Classification of Disease ... -
A systemic approach to school-based consultation: Combining interventions that belong to different theoretical traditions. Chapter 9
(Chapter, 2023)This chapter illustrates the idea that a systems perspective can encompass any idea that helps increase our understanding and effectiveness. An underlaying assumption is that the adoption of a systems perspective encourages—even ... -
"The challenges will remain": Systemic work with families of children needing extra care. Chapter 8
(Chapter, 2023)This chapter describes a variety of systemic practices with families with children that need extra care and where these family and child challenges will probably remain in some way or another. Work with families where ... -
Gender incongruence: Youth with a special talent for gender; supporting youth and families. Chapter 3
(Chapter, 2023)Understandings of gender are undergoing great change. In caring for children and youth experiencing gender incongruence, we reflect over how to create a systemic conversational space in which they, along with their families, ... -
Families living with anticipatory grief; how can we both understand and explain? Chapter 5
(Chapter, 2023)Illness as a phenomenon consists of both physiological conditions and narratives. When children have serious illnesses and death becomes the frame of family life, systemic perspectives can expand causal explanations by ... -
Prechod z inštitucionálnej na komunitnú starostlivosť v Slovenskej republike
(Book, 2018)Úvod: V posledných rokoch sa v sociálnej oblasti stále viac skloňuje krkolomné slovo DEINŠTITUCIONALIZÁCIA. Na rôznych odborných a vedeckých fórach, ale aj v samotných zariadeniach sociálnych služieb, sa o nej často ... -
Divine Presence: An Introduction to Christian Theology
(Book, 2021)Theology should be at home both in the academy and in the church. This book takes such dual affiliation seriously and lets the two different contexts illuminate each other. It explores how we should understand theology ... -
Deterioration of Women's Position with Rising Populism
(Chapter, 2021)This article aims to discuss the implications of right-wing populism for gender relations and women’s rights by summarizing the debates on the common gender aspects of current populist discourses in different countries, ... -
Gender and Disability in the Acts of Peter: Apostolic Power to Paralyze
(Chapter, 2022) -
Creation as deconstruction in Cusanus, Luther, and Hamann
(Chapter, 2022)A pre-modern understanding of God as Creator implies that phenomena in the world are real because they participate in God. This was challenged through Duns Scotus’s and William Ockham’s concept of univocity, according to ...