10. Materiality and the enactment of citizenship in assisted living facilities for young adults.
Original version
Hoydal, K. og Thygesen, H. (2022). 10. Materiality and the enactment of citizenship in assisted living facilities for young adults. I Fjetland, K. J., Gjermestad, A. & Lid, I. M. (Eds.), Lived citizenship for persons in vulnerable life situations. Theories and practices. (Kap. 10, s162-179). Scandinavian University Press. 10.18261/9788215053790-2022-10Abstract
Building on empirical data, this chapter explores the relationship between materiality and citizenship in assisted living facilities. The notion of arrangements is mobilized to show how different forms of citizenship are constituted through meal practices. The analysis revealed materialities as key actors of meal arrangements, having different roles related to their size and scope. Also, the complexity of materialities involved, and their roles in enacting different values, is revealed and discussed.