Fra miljølære til bærekraftsundervisning: En økokritisk analyse av fagfornyelsen. Kapittel 2
Original version
Bredal-Tomren, T. S. (2023). Fra miljølære til bærekraftsundervisning: En økokritisk analyse av fagfornyelsen. I T. S. Bredal-Tomren (Red.), Utdanning for bærekraft. Erfaring og forskning fra barnehage og skole (Kap. 2, s. 29–49). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
In this chapter, I analyse the Norwegian curricula for environmental and sustainability education in search of the environmental pedagogy expressed in the present plans. I find that the plans are dominated by a knowledge-based approach and prioritize competence skills in individual environmental life changes rather than structural change. The article also explores how the curricula look when read on the basis of a survey carried out by 88 climate strikers youth in 2019. The survey showed that young people seek more action-oriented teaching that emphasises political change. I conclude the chapter by discussing the findings in light of radical eco-pedagogy. The most important conclusion is that the young people who strike against climate change practice the curriculum they are looking for, that this is in line with ideas from radical eco-pedagogy and that schools should welcome the strike initiatives.