Publikasjoner fra CRIStin
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Betydningen av religion som politisk skillelinje i Vest-Europa, med særlig vekt på Skandinavia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Den religiøse skillelinjen er sentral i Lipset/Rokkans politiske skillelinjemodell, for å forstå framveksten av politiske partier i Vest-Europa. Politiske skillelinjer knyttet til religion er svekket. Blant de skandinaviske ... -
Norwegian nursing students' experience of international clinical placement abroad: A qualitative study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: For several years, the Norwegian government’s goal has been that half of those who complete a degree in Norwegian higher education, should have had a study period abroad. This also applies to undergraduate ... -
Health assessments of refugee minors arriving in Norway – a modified Delphi study among health professionals in primary care settings
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Refugee minors are considered particularly vulnerable to negative health consequences from war, flight and resettlement. Offering health assessments after arrival in a host country could uncover unmet health ... -
A multidimensional strategy to managing dysfunctional breathing and exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction in adolescent athletes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Exercise induced laryngeal obstruction (EILO) causes inspiratory distress in the upper airway in many adolescent athletes. The nature of EILO is not fully understood, and efective management strategies are ... -
Trygge foreldre i Time: Ein rapport om forsking på foreldre sine stemmer om universelle forebyggande tiltak og metodar som kan støtte, fremje og hjelpe i foreldrerolla
(VID Rapport;2024/2, Research report, 2024)Ein rapport om forsking på foreldre sine stemmer om universelle forebyggande tiltak og metodar som kan støtte, fremje og hjelpe i foreldrerolla. -
Older people's experiences of vulnerability in a trust-based welfare society affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The early coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak inflicted vulnerability on individuals and societies on a completely different scale than we have seen previously. The pandemic developed rapidly from 1 day to the ... -
Innenfraperspektiver og anerkjennelse i samisk kirkelig ungdomsarbeid
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Artikkelen belyser hva som hadde betydning for at samiske ungdommer valgte å delta på samiske ungdomshelger arrangert av Samisk kirkeråd i perioden 2012–2017. -Artikkelen bygger på et pilotprosjekt med intervjuer med tre ... -
Affektenes plass i sjelesorg
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Artikkelen tar for seg hvordan lærebøker i kristen sjelesorg beskriver affekter og affekters betydning for menneske i lys av en sjelesørgerisk kontekst. Studien viser at det er lite helhetlig fokus på affekt-teori. Følelser ... -
Associations between characteristics of the patients at municipal acute bed unit admission and further transfer to hospital: a prospective observational study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: As an alternative to acute hospitalisations, all communities in Norway are required to provide inpatient care in municipal acute bed units (MAUs) for patients who can be treated at the primary care level. Patient ... -
Conceptualising TechViolence Nexus: Experiences of ambiguities at the intersection of digital coercive control and (socio)digital inequalities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This short communication is based on a qualitative study investigating the relationship between digital technologies and gender-based violence (GBV). The term, TechViolence Nexus, introduced in this article, offers an ... -
Effects of the incredible years parenting program on children’s interpersonal conflict: An integrative data analysis.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Behavioral parenting programs, such as Incredible Years (IY), reduce conduct problems in children. However, conduct problems encompass many different behaviors, and little is known about the effects of parenting programs ... -
Etikk som fristelse: Til forståelsen av Første Mosebok 3,5
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Slangen frister Eva med innsikt i godt og ondt. Ifølge Karl Barth innebærer det at begjæret etter en rasjonell forankring av etikken må forstås som en fristelse. Innebærer det at vi må avvise tanken om etisk relevant ... -
Competing loyalties in a contested space: The Lutheran Middle School in Hunan Province, 1907–1914
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study explores the complexities of mission-state and church-state relations from a micro-level perspective, asking how the missionaries, teachers, and pupils at the Lutheran Middle School in Hunan Province negotiated ... -
Citizenship for persons with dementia living in nursing homes: Becoming and co-ownership in the mundane
(Dissertation series for the Degree Of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 58, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background: In recent years, scholars of citizenship internationally have argued that current dominant medical and care-based understandings position people with dementia solely as in need of care while not sufficiently ... -
The impact of the New Families Home Visiting Program on depressive symptoms among norwegian fathers postpartum: A nonrandomized controlled study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Becoming a parent is a vulnerable life transition and may affect parents’ mental health. Depressive symptoms may occur in fathers, as well as mothers, during pregnancy and the postpartum period. The health service is ... -
Space and place for health and care – Nationalist discourses in swedish daily press during the first year of COVID-19
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Sweden’s strategy during COVID-19 with restrictions but no firm closure of the society surprised the rest of the world and was questioned, not least by neighbouring countries. This article analyses public discourses on ... -
Navigating concerns about students’ suitability: Exploring nurse teachers’ perspectives in aqualitative interview study using vignettes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Assessing students’ suitability for the nursing profession is the nurse teachers’ responsibilities. Clinical placements serve as typ-ical arenas for conducting such assessments. Nurse teachers collaborate closely with nurse ... -
Quality of Life in first-time parents during pregnancy and postpartum period: A study in the New Families research project
(Dissertation series for the Degree Of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University; no. 60, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background: The transition to parenthood is characterized by physical, psychological, and social changes in both women and men. During this period, their Quality of Life (QoL), specifically related to physical, psychological, ... -
Examining the interplay between physical activity, problematic internet use and the negative emotional state of depression, anxiety and stress: insights from a moderated mediation path model in university students
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Problematic Internet Use (PIU), emotional states of stress, anxiety and depression, and the practice of physical activity among Tunisian ... -
Ergoterapeuter i fremtidens primærhelsetjeneste: Hva skal de løse, og for hvem? En analyse av helsepolitiske styringsdokumenter
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Bakgrunn: Endrede politiske og organisatoriske rammebetingelser aktualiserer spørsmål om omprioriteringer, omorganiseringer, nye arenaer og nytt innhold i den kommunale ergoterapitjenesten. I studien undersøker vi hvordan ...