Browsing 5 SIK-rapporter / SIK-reports (1996-) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
Afghans and early childhood education in Norway : a pilot project
(SIK report;2013:2, Report, 2013)In January 2010, 10 475 Afghans were officially living in Norway. The Afghans thus constitute the 18th largest immigrant community in Norway. The Afghan immigration being recent, a large majority of Norwegian-born Afghan ... -
Bilingual and multilingual education and the use of local languages : an overview of documents, main themes and core concepts within the international development discourse on education in multilingual communities
(SIK-rapport, Research report, 2005)The Centre for Intercultural Communication (SIK) was commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research (KD) to present an overview of the field relevant to bilingual/ multilingual education and the use of ... -
Church networks, peacebuilding and women’s participation in Eastern DRC and the Great Lakes Region – a mapping study
(Samarbeidsrapport NIBR/SIK-rapport;2015, Research report, 2015)This report (i) map the religious civil society networks, (ii) assess their role in local and regional peace processes and (iii) address the organisation of women and the promotion of issues of women, peace and security ... -
Churches in autoritarian regimes : a preliminary review of church development in three countries: South Africa during the apartheid regime, Ethiopia during the communist regime, and present day Egypt
(SIK-rapport, Research report, 2009)The aim of this study is to gain knowledge about oppression and persecution of Christians and churches. Three different countries and time periods are chosen: South Africa during the apartheid regime, Ethiopia during the ... -
Evaluering av Strømmestiftelsens Act Now program
(SIK-rapport, Research report, 2005)Act Now is a one year program for youths consisting of a six weeks preparation phase, seven months stationed abroad and a four weeks debriefing course. During the seven months abroad they work with one of the many partners ... -
Impact evaluation of three projects in Pokot, Kenya : Pokot development programme (PDP), Pokot integrated programme (PIP), Training of HIV/AIDS community counsellors
(SIK-rapport;2009:3, Research report, 2009)The evaluation is part of NLM’s policy to perform external evaluations of projects around two years after the projects have phased out. The main purpose of the evaluation is to assess the long-term impacts and sustainability ... -
An independent evaluation of the "1,000 Micro-Projects for Socio-Economic Reintegration of Ex-combatants, Ex-militia Members and Youth at Risk in Côte d'Ivoire"
(SIK-rapport;2010:1, Research report, 2009) -
Kompetanseløft for åpne barnehager (KOMÅP)
(SIK report;2018:1, Report, 2018) -
Language, education and development : a review of Norad’s support to the Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS)
(SIK-rapport, Research report, 2006)In June/July 2006, Norad commissioned a review of its support to the Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS), which is a non-profit making trust established in 1997 in Cape Town South Africa. CASAS sets out ... -
Lokal forankring og bygging av nasjonal identitet - forenlige mål i utdanningsbistanden?
(SIK-rapport, Research report, 2006)In this report the authors argue that development aid in the educational sector will have to take into account both the local socio-cultural context and the national policy of education in the recipient country, in order ... -
Med mål og mening : kultur- og samfunnsforståelse gjennom konseptoversettelse : en prosjektrapport
(SIK-rapport, Research report, 2006)This report reviews the experiences and results gained from the project ”Med mål og mening – Cultural and Social Awareness through Concept Translation” which has been carried out throughout 2005 at the Sandnes Adult ... -
Minoritetsfamiliers tanker om og erfaringer med familierådgivning innad i og utenfor familien : Et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Stiftelsen Kirkens Familievern og Senter for interkulturell kommunikasjon
(SIK-rapport;2015:4, Report, 2015)Denne rapporten fra prosjektet «Minoritetsfamiliers tanker om og erfaringer med familierådgivning innad i og utenfor familien», har fokus på familierådgivning blant muslimske familier i Sør-Rogaland. Forskningsspørsmålet ... -
Organisational development project in the development sector in Malagasy Lutheran Church (MLC) : project review April 2006
(SIK-rapport, Research report, 2006)The MLC Organisational Development Project in the Development Sector is now in its second phase (2005-2007). The project consists of three ingredients: 1.To establish a united policy for all the development activities in ... -
Plan- og praksisutvikling i KRL-faget : rapport fra et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Universitetet i Stavanger og kommuner i Nord-Rogaland
(SIK-rapport, Research report, 2008)Dette er sluttrapporten for et følgeforskningsprosjekt i tilknytning til læreplanprosjektet KRL-fag med ny vri som ble gjennomført i kommuner i Nord-Rogaland i 2006 og 2007. Midlene til prosjektet ble bevilget av ... -
Post evaluation of a capacity building project in the Southern synods of Ethiopia
(SIK-rapport;2010:2, Research report, 2010)The Capacity Building Project was implemented 2005/2007. The overall aim of the project was to improve the quality of the project cycle management by building the capacity of the church's Development And Social Service ... -
Programme de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA : rapport de l'évaluation à miparcours, novembre 2004
(SIK-rapport, Research report, 2005)The program “ALL AGAINST AIDS – INFORMATION, EDUCATION AND CARE” is coordinated by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cameroon (EELC). The program started in September 2002, and is mainly financed by NORAD, in addition ... -
Redéfinition de la politique linguistique dans le système éducatif à Madagascar : rapport du Task Force
(SIK-rapport, Research report, 2005)In collaboration with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Madagascar, the National Ministry of Education and Scientific Research in Madagascar (MENRS) appointed and convened a Task Force in October 2005. The Task Force here ... -
Reintegration of child soldiers : a literature review with particular focus on girl soldiers' reintegration in the DRC
(SIK-rapport, Research report, 2009)The present report seeks to impart key findings in existing literature on child soldiers’ reintegration process, as well as to highlight areas and topics which require more research. The review describes available literature ... -
Religionsskifte og utvikling i et kjønnsperspektiv : rapport fra et utredningsoppdrag til Det Norske Misjonsselskap
(SIK-rapport, Research report, 2007)In 2005-2006 the Norwegian Mission Society (NMS) in cooperation with the Center for Intercultural Communication (SIK) carried out a project called Religious Change and Development Seen in a Gender Perspetive. The project ... -
Reproductive health project in Sierra Leone
(SIK-rapport, Research report, 2006)In close cooperation with the European Baptist Mission (EBM) and the Baptist Convention in Sierra Leone (BCSL), the Norwegian Baptist Union (NBU) is preparing to send a mid-wife as missionary to Sierra Leone. In order ...