Browsing Bøker og kapitler / Books and Chapters by Author "Sirris, Stephen"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Introduksjon til kirkelig organisering og ledelse. Et verdibasert og praksisorientert perspektiv. Kap. 1
Sirris, Stephen; Askeland, Harald (Chapter, 2021)This chapter introduces the subject matter of this book – church organizing and leadership – and key concepts. The book’s point of departure is recent reforms in the Church of Norway as well as broader cultural and societal ... -
Kirken som organisme og organisasjon. Ekklesiologiske og organisasjonsteoretiske perspektiver på kirken som felleskap. Kap. 2
Sirris, Stephen; Askeland, Harald (Chapter, 2021)Due to the complexity of its functions, the church can be understood in various disciplines which offer different perspectives, concepts and metaphors. This chapter explores how theology and organizational sociology ... -
Observation and shadowing: Two methods to research values and values work in organisations and leadership. Kap. 8
Sirris, Stephen; Lindheim, Tone; Askeland, Harald (Chapter, 2022)This open access book presents new approaches for researching values as they are performed or materialized. Values have been an important topic in academic literature for a long time; they are at the core of institutional ... -
Personalkonflikter i kirkens arbeidsmiljø som en ledelsesutfordring. Kap. 11
Sirris, Stephen; Grimstad, Frank (Chapter, 2021)The perception that conflicts are unavoidable and natural derives from paradoxical developments in modern work life, with increasing cooperation, democratization, and individual specialization. This chapter asks: How have ... -
Profesjon og ledelse i Den norske kirke: Organisering av arbeid i en kirke i endring
Sirris, Stephen (Book; Peer reviewed, 2022)Kirkelig organisering og ledelse: Et verdibasert og praksisorientert perspektiv gir ny forståelse av organisering og ledelse i Den norske kirke. Hva er særegent ved ledelse og lederroller i Den norske kirke? Hvordan kan ... -
Researchers’ role reflexivity when studying values work. Kap. 12
Sirris, Stephen (Chapter, 2022)This open access book presents new approaches for researching values as they are performed or materialized. Values have been an important topic in academic literature for a long time; they are at the core of institutional ... -
Researching values in leadership and organization and leadership. Kap. 1
Espedal, Gry; Løvaas, Beate Jelstad; Sirris, Stephen; Wæraas, Arild (Chapter, 2022)This open access book presents new approaches for researching values as they are performed or materialized. Values have been an important topic in academic literature for a long time; they are at the core of institutional ... -
Roller, identitet og ledelse i praksis. Kap. 9
Sirris, Stephen; Askeland, Harald (Chapter, 2021)Roles denote external expectations towards a social position, while identity refers to self-understanding. This chapter links these concepts with a research tradition emphasising a practice approach to leadership. We provide ... -
Utviklingstrekk i organisering og ledelse i Den norske kirke. Kap. 3
Sirris, Stephen; Askeland, Harald; Grimstad, Frank (Chapter, 2021)This chapter provides an account of central aspects in the modern development of organization and leadership in the Church of Norway. By narrating the growth of organizational, managerial and professional dimensions embedded ... -
Values as fixed and fluid: Negotiating the elasticity of core values. Kap. 11
Sirris, Stephen (Chapter, 2020)This chapter explores how managers perform values work by negotiating organisational core values. By using an acute infection crisis in a Norwegian faith-based hospital as a case study, I examine how managers in two ...