Browsing Master's Theses in Community Development and Social Innovation by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 44
The use of Diaconal Asset-Based Approach as a tool for the inclusion of persons with disabilities. Case study of the work of the Association HANDICARE with hearing-impaired youth in Ngaoundéré – Cameroon
(Master thesis, 2021)The inclusion of groups in situation of marginalisation such as people with disabilities (PwD) is one of the great challenges that the ‘Leave No behind’ approach of the SDGs aims to solve. Very often, organisations and ... -
How radical is radical innovation? A study of multi-level structure of public innovation process in Norway.
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis is about innovation in the public sector in Norway, using discourse analysis to analyze documents and texts from the Government (Ministry of Local Government and Development, KMD), and KS's program; Partnership ... -
Leading innovation in US public libraries. Storm clouds and silver linings of COVID-19
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis examines how US public libraries are innovating to connect with their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The work pays special attention to the role of leadership in the innovation process. By examining ... -
Kenya Diaspora Remittances : A Sleeping Pill or Development Catalyst? : What do the Remitters do to Foster Sustainable Development?
(Master thesis, 2021-05)This thesis is concerned with the concepts of community development and in particular the perception of diaspora to development in their home country through their remittances. The research focuses specifically on Kenyan ... -
Keeping the hope for tomorrow : Community Development in Aida Refugee Camp
(Master thesis, 2021-05)This research sought to see how Alrowwad as an organization in Aida refugee camp worked to better their community through the arts. The specific topic was how the organization faced and worked through the difficulties ... -
Bistandsarbeid etter Covid-19: Tapt mulighet eller vendepunkt?
(Master thesis, 2022)Covid-19-pandemien og dens konsekvenser har vært, og er, en stor utfordring verden har måttet takle. I løpet av denne to år lange kampen mot viruset har mye endret seg, og i så og si alle sektorer har det foregått omstillinger ... -
How innovation and scaling create impacts in social enterprises: Insights from Nepal
(Master thesis, 2022)The study's purpose is to examine how social enterprises in Nepal manage social innovation and scaling to create impacts for the beneficiaries. In doing so, the empirical research has applied a qualitative case study ... -
Breaking with the past.Team leaders’ approaches on leadership, maintaining organizational culture and hybridity
(Master thesis, 2022)As the beginning of a new decade began, the world experienced a global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This led to unforeseen changed within our daily lives such as social distancing and travel restrictions. However, ... -
COVID-19 pandemic: The role of the methodist church Ghana-Kumasi Diocese, in combating the pandemic. A case study in Wesley Methodist Church in Kumasi Metropolis
(Master thesis, 2022)The COVID -19 pandemic has had enormous impact on the world especially in areas of health care, education sectors, several social systems including religious organization and the global economy. This outbreak caused ... -
Conflict management in an organization: A case study of the Korle Bu Teaching hospital.
(Master thesis, 2022)Conflict is considered an inevitable part of organizational life, particularly in hospitals in the health sector. However, there has been limited attention to conflict management and transformation in hospital within the ... -
Socio-cultural perspectives on gender roles in Nepal and status of women’s leadership in academia
(Master thesis, 2022)This study is mainly concerned with how the gender-based social practices of Nepalese society pose challenges to women’s leadership in academia and how women leaders in academia deal with gender-based roles prevalent in ... -
A master’s thesis in female genital mutilation. The impact of leadership on the prevalence and practice of female genital mutilation in african countries
(Master thesis, 2022)Background: Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a significant issue that has raised concerns, especially among different cultures worldwide. Although the practice of FGM is endemic to several African cultures a rising number ... -
En casestudie om implementering av teknologisk innovasjon i skolen
(Master thesis, 2022)Innovasjon i skolen har blitt et avgjørende kriterium for langsiktig suksess for utdanningssystemer når det gjelder deres evne til å tilpasse seg endringene som skjer i samfunnet vårt. Gjennom fagfornyelsen har digitale ... -
Nurse manager’s perception of the nursing staff management in B and C Hospital, Birtamod, Nepal
(Master thesis, 2022)The COVID-19 pandemic being experienced by people recently is a significant risk to public health worldwide. As a result, a concerted international effort is required to get healthcare systems ready for this unprecedented ... -
Vurdering av Veiviserprosjektet som integreringsprosjekt Hverdagsintegrering for migranter i Sola kommune
(Master thesis, 2022-05)Oppgavens problemstilling er: I hvilken grad har Veiviserprosjektet i Sola kommune fremmet migrantenes hverdagsintegrering i lokalsamfunnet? Jeg har tatt utgangspunkt i følgende delspørsmål: I hvor stor grad fremmer ... -
My stomach is full, but my heart is hungry Understanding the processes of acculturation and remote enculturation in the diasporic Kurdish families in Norway
(Master thesis, 2022-05)This empirical research addresses two important issues related to the life of the diasporic Kurdish families having young children born in Norway. Considering the family here is meant the first-generation immigrants ... -
Predeparture Cross-Cultural Training and International Success
(Master thesis, 2022-05)This thesis looks into the realms of predeparture cross-cultural training and international success. The focus group is on professionals, or expatriates, who are travelling abroad for the purpose of work. International ...