Some interpretive experiences with Isaiah in Africa
Original version
Some interpretive experiences with Isaiah in Africa. 2017, I D. Willgren, T. Wasserman og G. Andersson (Red.) Studies in Isaiah: History, Theology, and Reception (s.181 - 199)Abstract
After an introductory case study of how the Seraph Song in Isaiah 6:3 is translated in Malagasy bibles and liturgies, the essay broadens the perspective and discusses interpretive experiences with Isaiah in two major contexts for biblical interpretation in Africa. The first is Isaiah in popular/church contexts, where examples are found in the Roman Catholic “The African Bible” (1999) and in the Nigerian/Pentecostal “The Prayer and Deliverance Bible” (2006). The second is Isaiah in more professional/academic contexts, where examples are found in genres of PhD theses and some quite brief commentaries.