Inkludering og tilrettelegging i Den norske kirkes trosopplæring. Kap. 2
Original version noasp.100.ch2Abstract
This article presents results from a project that studies inclusion and accommodation in Norwegian faith education as organized under the Plan for Faith Education by the Church of Norway. Norwegian faith education aims at educating children and young persons from 0 to 18 years. All children and young persons who wish to take part in this should be included and accommodated. However, there are barriers experienced by persons with disabilities hampering participation on an equal basis. Based on qualitative interviews in four congregations, the article discusses how inclusion and accommodation is practiced in the confirmation program, and what barriers hamper participation. The results indicate that the congregations wish to include all, but need more knowledge on how to reach the aim of inclusion and accommodation. The barriers are conceptual, attitudinal and material. The practice in faith education thus is to some extent segregational.
I: I. M. Lid & A. R. Solevåg (Red.), Religiøst medborgerskap: Funksjonshemming, likeverd og menneskesyn