Den desentrerte kirke: Et bidrag til disability-ekklesiologien. Kap. 12
Original version
The chapter addresses the relationship between church/ecclesial practices and disability. Traditionally, disability ecclesiology focuses on how and in what way ecclesial practices contribute to the exclusion or inclusion of people living with various kinds of disability. The chapter takes as its starting point new trends in ecclesiological research by asking in what way non-ecclesial practice can be understood to be of relevance to ecclesiology. The example is Marte Wexelsen Goksøyr’s performance of the poem “Voggesang for ein bytting” at the National Theatre in Oslo. This performance can be understood as the embodiment of a physical altar piece depicting Mary and Jesus with Down syndrome. I argue that this expression can be understood as a disability-sensitive decentred church.
I: I. M. Lid & A. R. Solevåg (Red.), Religiøst medborgerskap: Funksjonshemming, likeverd og menneskesyn