Blar i Artikler / Articles på utgivelsesdato
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Homecare at the end of life. A study of fifteen patients
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1990)The study is a part of a research project on death in a sector of a large city, involved cooperation with the Franciscan Aid "home care team". The purpose was to study death in the home setting. Fifteen deaths were registered. ... -
The Ecclesiological Self-Understanding of the Lutheran World Federation. From "Free Association" to "Communion of Churches".
(Ecumenical Review;4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1992)One of the most disputed questions at the eight general assembly of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), held in Cuba, Brazil, January-February 1990, was the proposal to change its constitution so that the LWF would be ... -
Norske madagaskarmisjonærers litterære produksjon : utgivelser utenfor Norge frem til år 1900
(Chapter, 1993)An annotated bibliography of litterature (books, textbooks, articles etc.) produced by Norwegian missionaries to Madagascar in the 19th century, with an introduction. -
Når troen slår rot : misjonsteologiske tanker i Efeserbrevet, kap. 2-4
(Journal article, 1994) -
Å skape guder i menneskets bilde
(Journal article, 1994)A popularization of parts of the author's dissertation: Imago hominis : a study of Second Isaiah's idolproduction passages - Oslo University, 1993 -
Jesu tegnhandling i templet : sonofferkultens avløsning gjennom hans stedfortredende død
(Journal article, 1995)A presentation of his doctoral thesis "Jesu Kritik am Tempel : eine Untersuchung zum Verlauf und Sinn der sogenannten Tempelreinigung Jesu, Markus 11,15-17 und Parallelen" (MF. Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo, 1994) -
Viktig bok om viktig emne : Jesus og Qumran - en oppklaring av forskningsresultater
(Journal article, 1995)A review of: Jesus og Qumran : en oppklaring av forskningsresultater / Otto Betz; Rainer Riesner (Oslo, 1994) -
Det urkristne misjonskerygma i jødisk og hellenistisk kontekst
(Journal article, 1995) -
Nursing students' attitudes towards assisted suicide and euthanasia - a study from four different schools of nursing
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1995)In 1991/92, 289 students from four different schools of nursing in Norway participated in a case-related attitudes test. The nursing students answered questions concerning their personal views on the moral and legal ... -
Bibelomsetjing og sosial frigjering
(Chapter, 1995) -
Gudstjenestens misjonerende funksjon : bidrag til en misjonsteologisk bevisstgjøring
(Journal article, 1996) -
Meninger hopper ikke fra hode til hode
(Journal article, 1996) -
Bønn for syke – helbredelse ved bønn
(Chapter, 1997) -
Håp for Europa
(Chapter, 1997)