Ph.d.- avhandlinger ved Senter for misjon og globale studier / Doctoral Theses at Centre of Mission and Global Studies
Recent Submissions
The Norwegian Lutheran Mission’s education project in China (1894-1927) : A study of transnational encounters in education
(Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;71, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The Norwegian Lutheran Mission (NLM) was established in 1891 and sent missionaries to China that same year to begin mission works. NLM was established by persons engaged in Lutheran lay movements, and their theological ... -
Armed forces between otherness and respect : a study of Norwegian soldiers' understanding of the significance of religion
(Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;25, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Little research is conducted on Norwegian soldiers’ understanding of religion. The importance of learning more about this has become evident through their service abroad such as in Afghanistan. This study intends to ... -
Faith-based and asset-based congregational diakonia in a Malagasy Lutheran context. A qualitative study of the use your talents project
(Dissertation series for the Degree Of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 64, Doctoral thesis, 2024)After decades of ignorance, scholars and international development actors have come to embrace faith–based organizations (FBOs) as important actors in poverty alleviation. FBOs have the potential to be important contributors ... -
How is it possible to build sustainable and peaceful interreligious relations? : An analysis and discussion of christian-muslim relations in Vohipeno, Madagascar
(Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;48, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Christians and Muslims have lived together peacefully in the Vohipeno area, Southeastern Madagascar, since Christianity was established in 19th century. The problem which has prompted my investigation is, that the relations ... -
Pastoral leadership in sunday services. A qualitative case study of seven pastors in the church of Norway
(Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;56, Doctoral thesis, 2024)This study is situated in practical theology and aims at contributing to the field of pastoral theology focusing on pastoral leadership. The research question with which this study is concerned is: “How do pastors carry ... -
Struggle for justice and the right to justification : a constructivist study of ecumenical diakonia in a global context of power relations
(Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;49, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Ecumenical diakonia is a concept that churches use in descriptions of, and discussions about, their social ministries. Recent publications describe ecumenical diakonia as a struggle for justice with reference to systematic ... -
Confirmation ministry in the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus : A Critical Assessment
(Dissertation series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;41, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Anchored in the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20), teaching is one of the core functions of the Christian church. In the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY), confirmation ministry, which is the focus of my ... -
Moving reality closer to the ideal : The process towards autonomy and secularism during the Social Democratic hegemony in 20th century Sweden
(Dissertation series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;44, Doctoral thesis, 2022)21st century Sweden is arguably the most secular-individualistic nation in the world. In this dissertation, I perform a qualitative textual analysis on how positions on autonomy were expressed in the political discourse ... -
Varieties of beliefs and practices among young Muslims in Norway : a discourse analytical approach
(Dissertation series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;38, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Research on young Muslims in Norway has tended to focus more on those who are active in Muslim organisations than those who construct their beliefs and practices mainly apart from such settings and communities. The aim of ... -
Negotiating Church in China’s Red Province : A Lutheran Church in Hunan 1902-1951
(Dissertation series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;42, Doctoral thesis, 2022)This study of the Lutheran church at the mission field of the Norwegian Missionary Society (NMS) in Hunan Province, China spans the years 1902-1951, beginning with the establishment of the first congregations, shortly after ... -
Cultivation of Christian leadership in a Confucian context : a study of the preparation of pastors for ministry in Taiwan Lutheran Church 1948-1987
(School of Mission and Theology dissertation series; 4, Doctoral thesis, 2007)Leadership and leadership development are key issues in any enterprise or organization. This doctoral thesis deals with the challenges of leadership development and its cultural setting. By focusing on the education of ... -
Transforming friendship : Christian-Muslim Friendship and Religious Change
(Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor;28, Doctoral thesis, 2020)This study takes as its point of departure the need for more research into the role of friendship in interaction and understanding across religious differences. More specifically, its main aim is to provide an empirical ... -
Just like everyone else? : Service providers’ perceptions of the religiosity of people with intellectual disabilities
(Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor;24, Doctoral thesis, 2020) -
Everyday negotiations : Agency and structure in the everyday-life of women seeking asylum in Norway
(Dissertation series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;29, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Seeking asylum is commonly defined by long and undetermined waits and significant uncertainty, which several applicants perceive as disempowering. A growing body of research highlights that applicants encounter their agency ... -
Narrative Battles and Bridges : Religion, Identity and Conflict in Syrian Refugee Trajectories
(Dissertation series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;30, Doctoral thesis, 2021)This thesis is a qualitative study based on three articles, of which two have been published. The general purpose of this study is to raise awareness of the Syrian conflict and its resulting refugee crisis through the ... -
The Pastoral Disposition in the Thought of John Owen
(Dissertation series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;27, Doctoral thesis, 2021)John Owen is presented in scholarship as a statesman, an academic, and a theologian. Though it is widely acknowledged that he was a pastor throughout his lifetime, little attention has been paid to his pastoral theology ... -
Sin, Purification and Sacrifice: Analysis and Comparison of Texts from the Book of Leviticus and Malagasy Traditional Rituals
(Dissertation series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University, Doctoral thesis, 2020)This study is an analysis and comparison of rituals in two different settings. Due to its ancient content, the book of Leviticus has been negatively received or is simply ignored by most western Churches. They see the book ... -
Beyond "Reverse Mission"? : Transnational religion, transforming spirituality, and transcultural mission among migrant churches in Norway
(Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 13, Doctoral thesis, 2019-03)Paper I: Eriksen, S. S. (2015). The Epistemology of Imagination and Religious Experience: A Global and Pentecostal Approach to the Study of Religion? Studia Theologica: Nordic Journal of Theology 69 (1), 45-73. ... -
A Maasai encounter with the Bible : nomadic lifestyle as a hermeneutical question
(Doctoral thesis, 2017)This study is a critical analysis of how Maasai informants read some selected Old Testament texts that are thought to have an appeal to people with semi-nomadic ways of life. The Maasai is a Nilotic ethnic group of ... -
Unity is strength : the Joint Committee of Religious Leaders for Peace in Zanzibar, 2005-2013
(Doctoral thesis, 2017-06)This thesis, “Unity is strength”, belongs in the academic field of missiology. It investigates whether Christian-Muslim cooperation can contribute to peace and, if so, how. To do so, it shows how the Joint Committee of ...