Blar i Publikasjoner fra CRIStin på dokumenttype "Doctoral thesis"
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Aktiv læring og integrert bruk av digitale verktøy i læringsaktiviteter: Om sykepleierstudenters læringsprosesser ved omvendt undervisning i naturvitenskapelige emner.
(Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 34, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Gode kunnskaper i fysiologi og andre naturvitenskapelige emner er av betydning for sykepleieres utøvelse av kompetente sykepleie. Innen sykepleierutdanningen ser man læringsutfordringer og utfordringer knyttet til ... -
«Å forstå det uforståelige» : Møtet mellom foreldre som er fratatt omsorgen for sine barn, familievernet og barnevernet
(Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 23, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Avhandlingen bygger på en kvalitativ studie, delt inn i tre delstudier som omhandler familievernets oppfølging av foreldre som er fratatt omsorgen for sine barn. Seks foreldre og syv terapeuter med erfaring fra familievernets ... -
Being compassionate. Institutionalizing through values work in a faith-based organization
(Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no.16, Doctoral thesis, 2019)This study extends the emergent stream of values work by theorizing a process of value inquiry that links the facts of a situation with the ideals of institutional social engagement and the common good. The value inquiry ... -
Beyond "Reverse Mission"? : Transnational religion, transforming spirituality, and transcultural mission among migrant churches in Norway
(Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 13, Doctoral thesis, 2019-03)Paper I: Eriksen, S. S. (2015). The Epistemology of Imagination and Religious Experience: A Global and Pentecostal Approach to the Study of Religion? Studia Theologica: Nordic Journal of Theology 69 (1), 45-73. ... -
Bridges and barriers. Support in the transition to adulthood for disabled young people leaving care
(Dissertation series for the Degree Of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 55, Doctoral thesis, 2023)This study explores support for disabled young people leaving public care in Norway. Such support, called aftercare, is offered by municipal child welfare services to care-experienced people aged 18-24 years. Some people ... -
Citizenship for persons with dementia living in nursing homes: Becoming and co-ownership in the mundane
(Dissertation series for the Degree Of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 58, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background: In recent years, scholars of citizenship internationally have argued that current dominant medical and care-based understandings position people with dementia solely as in need of care while not sufficiently ... -
Constructions of user participation in home-based dementia care
(Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 22, Doctoral thesis, 2020)In this dissertation I explore the topic of user participation for people with dementia living at home. The reason for the choice of topic is the increased political focus on user participation in dementia care, while there ... -
Cultivation of Christian leadership in a Confucian context : a study of the preparation of pastors for ministry in Taiwan Lutheran Church 1948-1987
(School of Mission and Theology dissertation series; 4, Doctoral thesis, 2007)Leadership and leadership development are key issues in any enterprise or organization. This doctoral thesis deals with the challenges of leadership development and its cultural setting. By focusing on the education of ... -
Dying and death in the electronic patient record. A qualitative analysis of textual practices
(Dissertation series for the Degree Of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 35, Doctoral thesis, 2022)In Norway, over one in four deaths occur in hospitals, places that operate primarily according to curative logic. One aim of the Norwegian health care system is that patients, at the end of life, should receive high-quality ... -
Existential groups led by healthcare chaplains within norwegian specialist mental health services. Patient and interdisciplinary perspectives
(Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no.17, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Background: In Norway, healthcare chaplains have a long history of leading existential groups (EGs) for patients in the Norwegian mental healthcare services. In EG practice, patients are invited to share stories about their ... -
Existential issues and existential conversations in old age: A diaconal approach
(Dissertation series for the Degree Of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 57, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The thesis qualitatively explores existential issues and existential conversations in old age from a diaconal perspective. It is placed within the science of diaconia, with the psychology of religion and existential ... -
Faith-based and asset-based congregational diakonia in a Malagasy Lutheran context. A qualitative study of the use your talents project
(Dissertation series for the Degree Of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 64, Doctoral thesis, 2024)After decades of ignorance, scholars and international development actors have come to embrace faith–based organizations (FBOs) as important actors in poverty alleviation. FBOs have the potential to be important contributors ... -
Hjemmesykepleie i endring. En analyse av profesjonelle og politiske diskurser
(Dissertation series for the Degree Of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 37, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Hjemmesykepleie står i en lang tradisjon, samtidig som det er stadige endringer i dette praksisfeltet. De siste ti-årene har det vært en rekke demografiske og helsepolitiske endringer som har medført at flere tjenester og ... -
Human rights education for nursing students. Introducing a human rights perspective to nutritional care in nurse education
(Dissertation series for the Degree Of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 39, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Human rights are an important part of everyday nursing practice and care, but a human rights perspective has not been properly addressed in nursing education and practice. This does not mean that nurses are unconcerned ... -
Humanising support and follow-up after critical illness Aqualitative study of the experiences of former intensive care patients, their family members and intensiv care nurses
(Dissertation series for the Degree Of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 54, Doctoral thesis, 2023)This thesis explores the experiences of support and follow-up after critical illness and intensive care treatment. During the period in which this PhD study was undertaken, we went through a worldwide pandemic. With an ... -
Hverdagsledelse : diakoni, verdier og ledelse i praksis
(Doctoral thesis, 2016)Det overordnede temaet for denne avhandlingen er ledelse i kontekst. Hensikten er å bidra til forståelse av ledelse av det vi i en skandinavisk sammenheng kjenner som diakonale institusjoner. Nærmere bestemt søker jeg å ... -
Immigrant health status and access to healthcare: The case of Norway
(Doctoral thesis, 2018)Health is one of the most important assets of a society; it is necessary for social and economic development and for achieving ample length and quality of life for its members. This thesis asserts that health should be a ... -
Inkluderende forskning, medborgerskap og utviklingshemming. En deltakerbasert studie om praktisering av medborgerskap i hverdagslivet for personer med utviklingshemming i Norge og Slovakia
(Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 33, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Lettlest sammendrag: Denne studien har to mål. 1. Å beskrive medborgerskapet til personer med utviklingshemming 2. Å beskrive hvordan det er å forske sammen med personer med utviklingshemming Medborgerskap handler ... -
Introduksjon av kompenserende teknologi i arbeidsrettet rehabilitering. En praksisstudie om verdien av teknologi i sosialfaglig arbeid og verdiene som former disse praksisene
(Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 15, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Dette er en studie som ved en praksisnær tilnærming utforsker verdier i og verdien av sosialfaglig praksis i introduksjon av kompenserende teknologi. Denne praksisstudien plasserer seg faglig innenfor fagområdet arbeidsrettet ... -
Learning from persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: An ethnographic study exploring self-determination and ethics of professional relations
(Dissertation series for the Degree Of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no. 52, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) are often excluded both from research and several areas of society. These people depend on others in all matters, relying on care that often involves ...