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dc.contributor.authorSamson, Mbilam Jumbam
dc.description.abstractThe study sets out to investigate the role and self-understanding of the laity in the church using the example of ‘Samba’ group in the Catholic Diocese of Kumbo in the North West Region of Cameroon. In other words the work seeks to know how the Samba members understand themselves and their role as the laity which visible in the diaconal work they do in this particular diocese. In order to deal with this investigation properly, two theories have been selected to uncover the facts. These theories present the role of the laity in the church as clearly spelt out in the church’s official documents or official Catholic teachings. The second theory to help uncover the facts deals with how the laity here represented by Samba contribute to the church’s diakonia in a practical way, bearing in mind the common deacon hood common to all the faithful.nb_NO
dc.titleThe role of the laity In The Roman Catholic Church. The ‘Samba’ group as an ecample of the laity carrying out diakonia In The Catholic Diocese Of Kumbo In Cameroonnb_NO
dc.typeMaster thesisnb_NO
dc.source.pagenumber83 s.nb_NO

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