The church and inter-communal violence: study of land grabbing and the role of catholic justice and peace commission. How efficient is the justice and peace commission of the roman catholic archdiocese of Bamenda in Cameroon, in addressing the issue of land grabbing?
The aim of this work was to answer the research question and related issues, in other words, to
find out the efficiency of the Justice and Peace Commission (JPC) of the Bamenda Arch Diocese
Cameroon: in addressing land grabbing issues as a mission of the material church in the selected
areas where conflicts are more frequent? According to the JPC it is the task of the church to
ensure that Gods creations should live in total tranquility and harmony irrespective of race and
faith. The JPC has is that these can be archived through practical evangelization. Thus, the
people of God are called to serve and not wait to be served. Her most important activities are
geared towards: bringing peace, fighting for justice, helping the poor and the oppressed and the
practice of salvation. The above according to the JPC is made possible by ensuring the inclusive
participation of all the people of God, consequently ensuring community development. This also
has roots in Christ Slavic mission where he showed love, care and concern for the suffering
people of God, “Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked”
(Psalm 82:4).
Pope John Paul II of blessed memory equally had so much concern for the poor and the suffering
people of the world. I quote him: “it is impossible to accept that in evangelization one could or
should ignore the importance of the problems so much discussed today, concerning justice,
liberation, development and Peace in the world” (John Paul II, 1995, Ecclesia in Africa,
paragraph 68) because of the natural right to life, anti-social activities such as conflicts for
example should not be encourage. As such the church (JPC), should fight, defend human dignity,
and promote justice and peace.