Browsing VID:Open by Author "Austnaberg, Hans"
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
«Alle støttar trusopplæringa». Tverrfagleg samarbeid mellom prestar og undervisningstilsette i utvikling av trusopplæringa
Austnaberg, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Målsetjinga med artikkelen er å utforska utfordringar og moglegheiter i det tverrfaglege samarbeidet mellom tilsette prestar og undervisningsmedarbeidarar og korleis dette bidrar til å utvikla trusopplæringa. Det empiriske ... -
Dåpssamlingar i Den norske kyrkja
Austnaberg, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Dåpssamlinga er eit viktig møtepunkt mellom dåpsforeldre og kyrkja. I artikkelen avgrensar eg meg til å undersøka korleis prest og kateket legg opp samlingane og spør korleis formidling, sosialisering og aktiv deltaking ... -
Engaging Norwegian Youth in Mission : An Empirical Study
Austnaberg, Hans (Journal article, 2014)A reform of Christian education began in Norway in 2004 covering all those baptised in the Church of Norway from birth to 18. Mission is a significant dimension in the Plan for Christian Education but, despite the many ... -
Fearing God and Evil Spirits: The preaching of Malagasy Shepherds
Austnaberg, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This article investigates how so-called “shepherds” (mpiandry) in the Malagasy revival movement (Fifohazana) recognize, identify, and address fears through their preaching in what here are called healing services. The ... -
Fokus - muligheter i lokalmenigheten. Et konsept for menighetsutvikling
Austnaberg, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Artikkelen søker å beskrive og kritisk drøfte hvordan et nytt konsept for menighetsutvikling, Fokus – muligheter i lokalmenigheten, er blitt utviklet og tatt i bruk i en norsk, folkekirkelig sammenheng. Problemstillingen ... -
Grensesprengende : om temaet og boken
Austnaberg, Hans; Mæland, Bård (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2009) -
A healing ritual in the sunday service: A contextualised liturgical development in the Malagasy Lutheran Church?
Austnaberg, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article investigates the inclusion of a healing ritual into the Sunday service liturgy in the Malagasy Lutheran Church and discusses its theological significance. It rests on qualitative research material with in-depth ... -
How do Shepherds in the Malagasy Lutheran Church Describe their Way into Ministry?
Austnaberg, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Hvordan tenker ungdommer å nå dem som ikke tilhører et kristent fellesskap?
Austnaberg, Hans (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2009)More than 70% of youths are confirmed in Church of Norway but only about 10% of them remain in organised Christian youth work after confirmation. This article investigates what 15–18 years old young people think about ... -
Kirkelig undervisning – hva nå? : utfordringer med religionsmangfold og lav deltakelse
Birkedal, Erling; Leganger-Krogstad, Heid; Austnaberg, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Når dette skrives, er det snart 15 år siden trosopplæringsreformen ble vedtatt i Stortinget. Tiden er inne til å spørre om reformen har innfridd de mål og forventninger som var ved oppstarten, og hva som er veien videre. ... -
Leading through the sermon
Austnaberg, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)As the subject of leading through the sermon is to a large extent absent in homiletical literature, this article investigates how the sermon can be used as a tool in leading church development processes. Congregations ... -
Malagasy rhetoric and preaching : Kabary-communication: To be embraced or rejected?
Austnaberg, Hans (Journal article, 2015)The article presents and discusses why two researchers seem to draw opposite conclusions regarding the usefulness of the Malagasy rhetoric art form of kabary for Christian preaching. The problem is stated as an investigation ... -
Møte, vokse, dele. Evaluering av Samarbeid menighet og misjon (SMM)
Sirris, Stephen; Askeland, Harald; Angell, Olav Helge; Austnaberg, Hans; Eriksen, Stian Sørlie; Haugen, Hans Morten; Haug, Kari Storstein; Lindheim, Tone (VID Rapport;2020/2, Research report, 2020)Denne evalueringen undersøker følgende dimensjoner ved Samarbeid menighet og misjon (SMM): 1) misjonsforståelse og struktur, 2) effekt og 3) kost–nytte. SMM har fungert som en verdifull plattform for samarbeid, nettverksbygging ... -
Når forkynner vi? : fra ordforkynnelse til totalformidling
Austnaberg, Hans (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2009)The main subject of this article is how to define preaching. The author argues that preaching is a communication not only involving words but also life and deeds. The investigation works as the point of departure. The ... -
Negotiating Church Space: The Relations between Pastors and Shepherds in the Malagasy Lutheran Church
Austnaberg, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)The main question of this article is how the negotiations on church space enable us to better understand the relationship between pastors and shepherds, two groups of church workers in the Malagasy Lutheran Church and the ... -
Om betydningsfull forkynnelse og endringserfaring
Austnaberg, Hans (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2009)What kind of preaching has the potential of causing a change in the listeners? Inspired by classical rhetoric, the author investigates the significance of content, feeling and person in preaching to young people. The Bible ... -
Planarbeid i trosopplæring som ressurs for menigheten?
Birkedal, Erling; Austnaberg, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Alle menigheter i Den norske kirke må utvikle sin egen lokale plan for trosopplæring. Artikkelen utforsker arbeidsprosessen med lokal plan i seks menigheter og undersøker sammenhengen mellom dette planarbeidet og ... -
Presentasjon av undersøkelsen
Austnaberg, Hans (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2009)This contribution is the first of four articles presenting the results of a qualitative research project entitled «Border-breaking preaching for youth (15–18 years old)». The investigation draws on a research tradition ... -
Presterollen i trosopplæringen i Den norske kirke: Forventninger fra undervisningsmedarbeidere og menighetsrådsledere
Kessel, Terese Bue; Austnaberg, Hans; Mestad, Karen Margrete Eikenes (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The article discusses findings from a qualitative study on expectations towards pastors’ role in the Christian education program for children and young people in the Church of Norway. Data has been retrieved from interviews ... -
Sleeping beauty or wide awake? Mission agreements in the congregations of the Church of Norway
Sirris, Stephen; Austnaberg, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article studies mission within the context of traditional Nordic national churches. In the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Norway, a state church until 2012, eighty percent of all congregations have formal agreements ...