An Exegetical and Theological Study of Romans 10:8-15 with Particular References to the Opportunities and Challenges of the Church’s Mission in the 21st Century
This thesis explored and analysed An Exegetical and Theological Study of Romans 10:8-15 with Particular References to the Opportunities and Challenges of the Church’s Mission in the 21st Century. Specifically, it is a study of the National Church of Norway’s mission work in the 21st century in light of the New Testament (NT) teaching. The research question has been: What are the potential opportunities and challenges of Christian mission in the 21st century in general, and particularly for the Church of Norway as a missional church and what can the Church of Norway learn from Romans 10:8-15, in the church’s mission work today?
I have done my research based on both primary and secondary materials. I have discussed and analysed the materials in light of missiology as theory and the developments of Christian missiological work. My findings suggest that the contemporary Norwegian Church mission has a significant impact in the life of believers as it is a diaconal, missional, confessional and open people’s church. At the same time, the church’s mission work today is clearly influenced by globalization that has both potential opportunities and challenges to do mission. Secularization of the society has brought a serious challenge on the mission work in the 21st century.
The goal Christ’s calling of the Great Commission is to proclaim the gospel, making disciples of all nation through baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to keep the commandment of God. The calling is not just to be believers, but to be disciples of Jesus Christ, who believe in the triune God, and confess their faith. A true disciple of Jesus Christ, bare his/her cross, and live a confessional life witnessing Christ. Therefore, I believe and recommended that the church needs to develop strategies to evangelism and discipleship, and to accomplish Christ’s commission in the contemporary world.
Master's thesis in theolgy. VID Specialized University, Stavanger, August 2021