Blar i Master i teologi / Master's Theses in Theology på tittel
Viser treff 108-127 av 161
The parable about the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 : exegesis and its application to the use your talents projects in the south west synod of Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus
(Master thesis, 2019-12)This master thesis is situated in the field of New Testament studies and has its focus on the parable about the talents in Matthew 25:14-30: Exegesis and its application to the use your talents project in the South West ... -
Participation in partnership : a study of contemporary partnership in mission, as understood by and practised in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania, North Western diocese
(Master thesis, 2009-07-26)The study deal with the Participation in Partnership: A Study of Contemporary Partnership in Mission, as Understood by and Practiced in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania, North Western Diocese. Also deal with ... -
Paulus´ forståelse av tempel og menighet : Eksegese av 1 Kor 6,19 og 1 Tim 3,15
(Master thesis, 2021-08)Tittelen på masteroppgaven min er slik det lyder; «Paulus´ forståelse av tempel og menighet». Problemstillingen er hvilken relevans menighetsforståelsen har i min (Chin) bakgrunn. Oppgaven er hovedsakelig en eksegese av 1 ... -
Preaching in occasional services : A tool for changes in Church and society; A case of ELCT Northern Diocese.
(Master thesis, 2021-08)This study deals with the preaching in occasional services as a tool for changes in church and society in Northern Diocese of Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. Its research question is “what is the impact of ... -
Queer and Christian : Mapping a Theological Discussion on Same-Sex Relations
(Master thesis, 2021-01) -
Reading Exodus 3:7-10 from an Egyptian perspective
(Master thesis, 2017-05) -
(Master thesis, 2022-05)This thesis analyses the roles of women in the early churches in the New Testament. I deal with the letters of Paul and Acts as New Testament source texts since I have chosen the most prominent women Lydia, Prisca, ... -
Rop det ut! : En analyse av prekenmanus basert på Den norske Kirkes tekstrekker på søndager i Åpenbaringstiden med spesielt fokus på misjonsperspektivet.
(Master thesis, 2019-12)I denne oppgaven analyserer jeg misjonsperspektivet i 9 prekenmanus fra Åpenbaringstiden i 2019. Det gjøres med utgangspunkt i den misjonsforståelse vi finner i Kirkemøtets vedtak om misjon fra 2000 til 2012. Jeg har også ... -
Russisch-orthodoxe Mission unter den muslimischen Tataren im 19. Jh.
(Master thesis, 2010-06-16) -
Sakalava perspective on afterlife as a challenge to the christian mission in the north west of Madagascar
(Master thesis, 2013-09-05) -
Satanology in Pauline Theology : An Exegetical Study of 2 Corinthians 12:7 and Romans 16:20
(Master thesis, 2020-05)We begin this Master thesis by questioning what the function of Satan is in the two Pauline verses 2 Cor 12:7 and Rom 16:20 and if their Satanological implications are compatible with each other. We further question how ... -
Saul Interacting With the Deceased Prophet in 1 Samuel 28, as Interpreted in Light of the Veneration of Ancestors in Madagascar
(Master thesis, 2022-05)Many Christians in the Bara area in Madagascar keep their traditional belief in ancestors. Despite the prohibition of the Christian leaders, they keep on respecting their hazomanga and venerating their ancestors. When ... -
Selvutvikling som gudserkjennelse : en studie av Gayatri-meditasjon som hinduistiskpreget nyåndelighet
(Master thesis, 2013-07-03) -
Sin as Universal Reality and the Reign of Death as its Consequence: An Exegetical Study of Romans 5:12
(Master thesis, 2020-05)This study deals with an exegesis of Rom 5:12 as a biblical text presenting a concept of sin as universal reality and the reign of death as its consequence. Its research question is, “how is the connection between Adam’s ... -
(Master thesis, 2019-05)Mot alle forventninger, ble en kort serie med evangeliseringsmøter, som skulle holdes i 1956, i en stor og lite besøkt Høyland kirke i dagens Sandnes, til en stor vekkelse. I løpet av et godt halvår, kom tusenvis av ... -
Social justice in the book of Amos : a study on the ethical and moral standards as used by Amos
(Master thesis, 2012-07-17)