Browsing VID:Open by Author "Espedal, Gry"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
At finde Ham der hvor Han er...: kan coaching i sjelesorgsamtaler ha positiv effekt?
Espedal, Gry (Master thesis, 2012)Sjelesørgere er opptatt av å få til samtaler som kan etablere eksistensielle me-ningsgivende og frigjørende sammenhenger mellom aktuell menneskelig erfaring og innholdet i den kristne åpenbaring. Det ettersøkes å utvikle ... -
Being compassionate. Institutionalizing through values work in a faith-based organization
Espedal, Gry (Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no.16, Doctoral thesis, 2019)This study extends the emergent stream of values work by theorizing a process of value inquiry that links the facts of a situation with the ideals of institutional social engagement and the common good. The value inquiry ... -
Catching values in flight: A process perspective on researching values in organisations. Kap. 10
Espedal, Gry (Chapter, 2020)Values are often hardly visible and taken for granted in organisations, leaving us with the question of how to study them. An emerging stream of studies on values work utilises a process approach to research values, work ... -
"Et våkent øyeblikk" – Cathinka Guldberg, en diakonal leder med et moralsk og relasjonelt perspektiv
Espedal, Gry (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Nærmere 150 år etter etableringen av den diakonale stiftelsen Diakonissehuset og andre tilliggende institusjoner trekkes fortsatt grunnleggeren Cathinka Guldberg frem som inspirator for praksisensom utøves på institusjonen. ... -
Fra katedral til børs - kan teologer bidra i næringslivet?
Espedal, Gry (Journal article, 2000)Næringslivet er i endring. Nye markeder og ny teknologi krever nye former å lede på. Ledergrupper blir i større grad satt sammen av tverrfaglige team og et mangfoldig fellesskap. Det er moderne å inkludere både psykologer ... -
Identifying values through discourse analysis. Kap. 10
Kivle, Benedicte Maria Tveter; Espedal, Gry (Chapter, 2022)This open access book presents new approaches for researching values as they are performed or materialized. Values have been an important topic in academic literature for a long time; they are at the core of institutional ... -
Mer misjon for hver krone. Gjennomgang av omorganiseringen i NMS 2015 – 2017
Hatleskog, Anne Brit; Ryndyk, Oleksandr; Espedal, Gry; Sirris, Stephen (VID Rapport ; 2020/6, Research report, 2020)Gjennomgangen av omorganiseringen i NMS i perioden 2015 - 2017 tar for seg hvordan omorganiseringsprosessen ble gjennomført, om hensikten med omorganiseringen ble oppnådd og hvorvidt den nye organiseringen er optimal i ... -
A narrative approach to exploring values in organisations. Kap. 11
Espedal, Gry; Synnes, Oddgeir (Chapter, 2022)This open access book presents new approaches for researching values as they are performed or materialized. Values have been an important topic in academic literature for a long time; they are at the core of institutional ... -
“Not for my sake, but for the church”—Three female pioneers’ contributions to church leadership
Espedal, Gry (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This study examines the contributions of three female pioneers to the leadership of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Norway. This study presents an empirical analysis of the leadership contributions of the female leader ... -
Research interview to investigate and co-create values. Kap. 7
Espedal, Gry (Chapter, 2022)This open access book presents new approaches for researching values as they are performed or materialized. Values have been an important topic in academic literature for a long time; they are at the core of institutional ... -
Researching values in leadership and organization and leadership. Kap. 1
Espedal, Gry; Løvaas, Beate Jelstad; Sirris, Stephen; Wæraas, Arild (Chapter, 2022)This open access book presents new approaches for researching values as they are performed or materialized. Values have been an important topic in academic literature for a long time; they are at the core of institutional ... -
Taking the time: remembering values-based legacy to serve organizational purposes
Espedal, Gry (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)How is a values-based legacy worked on in organizations to influence organizational members’ practices to bring forward the organizational purpose? Earlier studies have highlighted the process of remembering the organization’s ... -
Values as vessels of religion? The role of values in everyday work at faith-based organizations
Askeland, Harald; Espedal, Gry; Sirris, Stephen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper investigates if and how religion is translated through values in everyday work in three Norwegian faith-based healthcare organizations (FBHOs). It provides insights into how values translate religion in the ... -
What is values work? A review of values work in organisations. Kap. 3
Espedal, Gry (Chapter, 2020)Through a review of the existing empirical studies and emerging literature on values work in organisations, this paper aims to disambiguate the phenomenon of values work. Values work is understood as ongoing value performances ... -
Å frigjøre den andres potensial. Kan coaching i sjelesorgsamtaler ha positiv betydning?
Espedal, Gry (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-03-21)Kristen coaching er i ferd med å bre om seg innen internasjonal sjelesorglitteratur. Få har imidlertid sett på coaching i en norsk sjelesorgkontekst. Denne artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i en kvalitativ studie der det er stilt ...