Now showing items 890-909 of 4298

    • The effect of nicotine-containing products and fetal sex on placenta-associated circulating midpregnancy biomarkers 

      Kordt Sundet, Birgitte; Kreyberg, Ina; Staff, Anne Cathrine; Carlsen, Karin Cecilie Lødrup; Bains, Karen Eline Stensby; Berg, Jens Petter; Granum, Berit; Haugen, Guttorm Nils; Hedlin, Gunilla; Jonassen, Christine M; Nordhagen, Live Solveig; Nordlund, Bjørn Kristian; Rehbinder, Eva Maria; Rudi, Knut; Rueegg, Corina Silvia; Sjøborg, Katrine Dønvold; Skjerven, Håvard Ove; Söderhäll, Cilla; Vettukattil, Muhammad Riyas; Sugulle, Meryam (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background: In utero exposure to nicotine, largely assessed by smoking, is a risk factor for impaired ofspring health, while potential efects of non-combustible nicotine use such as snus (oral moist tobacco), are less ...
    • Effect of previous alkylating agent exposure on follicle numbers in cryopreserved prepubertal and young adult ovarian tissue after long-term xenografting 

      Nurmio, Mirja; Asadi-Azarbaijani, Babak; Hou, Mi; Kiviö, Ronja; Toppari, Jorma; Tinkanen, Helena; Laine, Tiina; Oskam, Irma Caroline; Jahnukainen, Kirsi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Purpose and methods: To elucidate whether previous cancer treatment affects graft recovery and follicle numbers, morphology, and development in grafts, cryopreserved ovarian biopsies obtained from 18 cancer patients aged ...
    • Effect of the sonas programme on communication in people with dementia: A randomized controlled trial 

      Strøm, Benedicte Sørensen; Engedal, Knut; Benth, Jurate Saltyte; Grov, Ellen-Karine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Background: Strategies to improve communication in people with dementia are warranted. We examined the effect of the Sonas programme on communication ability in persons with moderate to severe dementia. Methods: A 24-week ...
    • Effects of a community-based multicomponent rehabilitation programme for patients with fibromyalgia: protocol for a randomised controlled trial 

      Haugmark, Trond; Hagen, Kåre Birger; Provan, Sella Aarrestad; Bærheim, Elisebeth; Zangi, Heidi Andersen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      People with fibromyalgia (FM) suffer from symptoms such as widespread pain, non-refreshing sleep, fatigue and reduced quality of life. Effects of pharmacological treatment are questionable and nonpharmacological treatments ...
    • Effects of a mindfulness-based and acceptance-based group programme followed by physical activity for patients with fibromyalgia: a randomised controlled trial 

      Haugmark, Trond; Hagen, Kåre Birger; Provan, Sella Aarrestad; Smedslund, Geir; Zangi, Heidi Andersen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Introduction: Non-pharmacological approaches are recommended as first-line treatment for patients with fibromyalgia. This randomised controlled trial investigated the effects of a multicomponent rehabilitation programme ...
    • Effects of Migration and the Challenges Filipinos Encounter Related to their Religion when they Migrate to Norway 

      Obinque, Madel S. (Master thesis, 2023-05)
      The religiosity of the Filipinos has a long and rich history that began even before the time of the Spanish colonization when they brought Catholicism to the Philippines. However, we cannot deny the fact that the influence ...
    • Effects of oral nutrition supplements in persons with dementia: A systematic review 

      Tangvik, Randi Julie; Bruvik, Frøydis Kristine; Drageset, Jorunn; Kyte, Kristin; Hunskår, Irene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Objective Persons with dementia are at risk of malnutrition, evidenced by low dietary intake, which has consequences for nutritional status, activity of daily living and disease progression. The effects of oral nutrition ...
    • Effects of the Sonas program on anxiety and depression in nursing home residents with dementia: A 6-month randomized controlled trial 

      Goyal, Alka R.; Engedal, Knut; Benth, Jūratė Šaltytė; Strøm, Benedicte Sørensen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Introduction: There is a dearth of evidence about the effects of Sonas, a multisensory stimulation on people with dementia (PWD). The main aim of this study was to examine the effects of the Sonas program on anxiety and ...
    • Effekt av overvæsking hos sepsispasienter 

      Karanes, May Denise Regidor (Student paper, others, 2021-04)
      Innledning: Sepsis rammer anslagsvis rundt 20 000 mennesker i Norge på årsbasis, og estimert dødstall er 3000 - 6000. En overreaksjon fra immunforsvaret ved infeksjon medfører at ubehandlet sepsis resulterer i livstruende ...
    • «Effektiv omsorg» - et paradoks? 

      Sandbæk, Gry Anette Klevar (Student paper, others, 2023)
      Innledning: I en kreftpoliklinikk med høy behandlings-effektivitet er det viktig å få kunnskap om hva pasientene trenger av omsorg, og å se dette fra pasientens perspektiv. Hensikten med studien er å få innsikt i pasientenes ...
    • Effektivitet som verdi, kan vi trives med det? 

      Garder, Anne Cathrine (Master thesis, 2012-08-29)
      Studien tar utgangspunkt i hvordan en avdelingsleder i hjemmebasert tjeneste kan organisere sin rolle for å møte alle kravene som blir stilt. Leder skal utføre sin ledergjerning slik at de ansatte kan oppleve størst mulig ...
    • Efficacy and moderators of efficacy of cognitive behavioural therapies with a trauma focus in children and adolescents: an individual participant data meta-analysis of randomised trials 

      de Haan, Anke; Meiser-Stedman, Richard; Landolt, Markus A.; Kuhn, Isla; Black, Melissa J; Klaus, Kristel; Patel, Shivam D; Fisher, David J; Haag, Christina; Ukoumunne, Obioha C; Jones, Benjamin G; Flaiyah, Ashraf Muwafaq; Catani, Claudia; Dawson, Katie; Bryant, Richard A; de Roos, Carlijn; Ertl, Verena; Foa, Edna B; Ford, Julian D.; Gilboa-Schechtman, Eva; Tutus, Dunja; Hermenau, Katharin; Hecker, Tobias; Hultmann, Ole; Axberg, Ulf; Jaberghaderi, Nasrin; Jensen, Tine K.; Ormhaug, Silje M.; Kenardy, Justin; Lindauer, Ramon J L; Diehle, Julia; Murray, Laura K.; Kane, Jeremy C.; Peltonen, Kirsi; Kangaslampi, Samuli; Robjant, Katy; Koebach, Anke; Rosner, Rita; Rossouw, Jaco; Smith, Patrick; Tonge, Bruce J.; Hitchcock, Caitlin; Dalgleish, Tim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background: Existing clinical trials of cognitive behavioural therapies with a trauma focus (CBTs-TF) are underpowered to examine key variables that might moderate treatment effects. We aimed to determine the efficacy of ...
    • Efficacy of Aggression Replacement Training among Children from North-West Russia 

      Koposov, Roman; Gundersen, Knut K.; Svartdal, Frode (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      The aim of the study was to assess whether the Aggression Replacement Training (ART) programme is effective in increasing social skills and decreasing problem behaviour. The sample consisted of 232 children (mean age 10.9 ...
    • Effort-reward imbalance is associated with alcohol-related problems. WIRUS-screening study 

      Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus; Bonsaksen, Tore; Vahtera, Jussi; Sivertsen, Børge; Aas, Randi Wågø (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      There is ample evidence of associations between a perceived stressful working environment and several health-related outcomes. To better understand potential mechanisms behind these observations some studies have focused ...
    • Eg, vi og den sore forteljinga 

      Giske, Tove (Journal article, 2015)
      Gjennom forteljingane vi fortel om oss sjølve og til kvarandre, utviklar vi vår sjølvforståing som person, kvar vi kjem frå og kva som er viktige hendingar i liva våre. Forteljingane våre utviklar seg stadig ettersom vi ...
    • Egotisme og retrofleksjon som selvbeskyttelse i veiledning 

      Danielsen, Egill J. (Student paper, others, 2019)
      I denne oppgaven har jeg valgt å fokusere på veileders (mine) muligheter og begrensninger i situasjoner hvor særlig kontaktformene egotisme (selvovervåknig) og retrofleksjon (tilbakeholding) oppstår i gruppen og i meg selv.
    • eHealth platforms to promote autonomous life and active aging: A scoping review 

      Bernardo, Joana; Apóstolo, João; Loureiro, Ricardo; Santana, Elaine; Yaylagul, Nilufer Korkmaz; Dantas, Carina; Ventura, Filipa; Duque, Filipa Margarida; Jøranson, Nina; Zechner, Minna; Staalduinen, Willeke van; De Luca, Vincenzo; Illario, Maddalena; Silva, Rosa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      New technologies, namely eHealth platforms, are being used more than ever before. These platforms enable older people to have a more independent lifestyle, enhance their participation, and improve their well-being. Information ...
    • Eit namn eller eit nummer?: Med uhelbredeleg kreft i eit poliklinisk landskap 

      Rørtveit, Kathrine Dåvøy (Student paper, others, 2021-05)
      Føremål: Å undersøkje korleis pasientar med uhelbredeleg kreft kjenner seg ivaretekne gjennom eit poliklinisk forløp i sjukehus. Metode: Litteraturstudie i form av systematisk søk i helsefaglege databasar som CINAHL, ...
    • Eksistensiell utfordring ved hjemmedød 

      Sørbye, Liv Wergeland (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Andel personer som dør hjemme i Norge, har vært synkende de siste årene, men stabilisert seg på cirka 15 prosent. Hensikten med denne artikkelen er å belyse utvalgte eksistensielle utfordringer relatert til det å dø hjemme. ...