Browsing VID:Open by Author "Løvaas, Beate Jelstad"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Does managers' motivation matter? Exploring the associations between motivation, transformational leadership, and innovation in a religious organization
Løvaas, Beate Jelstad; Jungert, Tomas; Van den Broeck, Anja; Haug, Håvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Religious organizations are social systems operating in a complex and changing environment. By looking to an authority beyond themselves, religious organizations have comparatively little control over defining their own ... -
Health promotion in specialist and community care: how a broadly applicable health promotion intervention influences patient’s sense of coherence
Heggdal, Kristin; Løvaas, Beate Jelstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background: Chronic illness health interventions aim to strengthen individuals' wellness resources, in addition to their ability to handle their condition. This presupposes a partnership between patients and professionals ... -
Hva er verdien av verdibevissthet? En studie om betydningen av lederes verdibevissthet og motivasjon for innovasjon i organisasjoner
Nygaard, Jørn; Løvaas, Beate Jelstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Har lederes verdibevissthet betydning for innovasjon i organisasjoner? Verdiers betydning i arbeidslivet har fått økt oppmerksomhet den senere tid (Ladegård & Vabo, 2011; Meglino & Ravlin, 1998; Wennes & Busch, 2012). ... -
Hva motiverer til frivillig innsats?
Løvaas, Beate Jelstad; Kaasa, Asbjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Problemstillingen i denne undersøkelsen er: Hvilke faktorer motiverer frivillige til å starte og til å fortsette som frivillige? Basert på spørreskjemaundersøkelse med 107 respondenter og basert på to fokusgruppeintervju ... -
Reactualized in times of crisis: The role of relatedness at work. A comparative study of a diaconal and a commercial organization
Løvaas, Beate Jelstad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a switch to remote work and has given a boost to new digital technologies. These changes are altering the relational aspects of work and have had fundamental implications for workplace ... -
Researching values in leadership and organization and leadership. Kap. 1
Espedal, Gry; Løvaas, Beate Jelstad; Sirris, Stephen; Wæraas, Arild (Chapter, 2022)This open access book presents new approaches for researching values as they are performed or materialized. Values have been an important topic in academic literature for a long time; they are at the core of institutional ... -
The significance of structural innovation for value alignment and social innovation in faith-based organizations: Reinventing organizations to dismantle powerasymmetries
Eriksen, Dag-Håkon; Løvaas, Beate Jelstad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The growing literature on innovation in nonprofit and faith-based organizations (FBO) has focused more on what fosters innovation than what happens after the innovation has been introduced. This research explores the ... -
The value of group reflection. Kap. 14
Løvaas, Beate Jelstad; Vråle, Gry Bruland (Chapter, 2020)What is the significance of group reflection? This chapter attempts to answer the question by describing a qualitative intervention in which managers from different work sectors reflect together on their everyday relational ... -
Values at work: Mapping the field through the lens of methodological approaches. Kap. 2
Løvaas, Beate Jelstad (Chapter, 2022)This open access book presents new approaches for researching values as they are performed or materialized. Values have been an important topic in academic literature for a long time; they are at the core of institutional ... -
Å ha noen er den store forskjellen. Evaluering av Home-Start Familiekontakten
Sirris, Stephen; Løvaas, Beate Jelstad; Flacké, Astrid; Kivle, Benedicte; Kaasa, Asbjørn; Opstad, Leiv; Tembo Pankuku, Memory Jayne; Slettebø, Tor (VID Rapport;2020/8, Research report, 2020)En overordnet målsetning for organisasjonen er ifølge Home-Start Familiekontaktens (HSF) vedtekter, paragraf 2, å bedre småbarnsfamiliers livssituasjon gjennom støtte gitt av familiekontakter (frivillige) i familienes eget ...