Responsibilization of actors in care and other welfare services: A focus on for-profits in Norwegian nursing homes. Chapter 4
Original version
Jacobse, Frode F. (2024). Responsibilization of Actors in Care and Other Welfare Services: A Focus on For-Profits in Norwegian Nursing Homes. In Fagertun, A., Vike, H., & Haukelien, H. (Eds.) (2024) The political economy of care. Welfare state capitalism, universalism, and social reproduction. (pp. 93-111) Universitetsforlaget
This chapter explores the shifting of responsibility between state and municipalities in Norway, focusing on the role of for-profit organizations in the nursing home sector. It is argued that a “responsibilization game” leads to municipal cultural changes marked by risk minimization. It is further argued that to what extent such a “game” results in for-profits being held accountable mainly depends on the political choices of the municipalities. Empirical data derives from research performed in Norway.
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