Diakoni i et funksjonshemmingsperspektiv : tilværelsens gave og liv i mangfoldig fellesskap. Kap. 5
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https:// doi.org/10.23865/noasp.100.ch5Sammendrag
In this chapter, the documents The Gift of Being from WCC (2016) and Seeking Conviviality from the Lutheran World Federation (2014) are presented and discussed from a diaconal perspective. Conviviality is described as “the art and practice of living together in solidarity”, and the document underlines that this is a learning process. Diakonia is understood as the gospel in action that recognizes and demonstrates the dignity and equality of all human beings. Inclusive communities demonstrate that the contributions of persons living with impairments are valued, that they are respected as participants and co-workers. Conviviality presupposes that all people need to cross borders and overcome their own anxiety when they are confronted with inequalities. The church should be in the forefront to acknowledge and practice the equality and dignity of all human beings as the central task of living the gospel and give witness of its message in all her work
I: I. M. Lid & A. R. Solevåg (Red.), Religiøst medborgerskap: Funksjonshemming, likeverd og menneskesyn