Browsing VID:Open by Author "Rosnes, Ellen Vea"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Bilingual and multilingual education and the use of local languages : an overview of documents, main themes and core concepts within the international development discourse on education in multilingual communities
Rosnes, Ellen Vea; Johannessen, Øystein Lund; Dahl, Øyvind (SIK-rapport, Research report, 2005)The Centre for Intercultural Communication (SIK) was commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research (KD) to present an overview of the field relevant to bilingual/ multilingual education and the use of ... -
Christianisation, Frenchification and Nationalisation. Mission Education during War and Rebellion in French Colonial Madagascar in the 1940s
Rosnes, Ellen Vea (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Education was an instrument in Christian missions’ and colonial powers’ civilisation projects. At the same time, education was also instrumental in fostering opposition. This article approaches perceptions of education ... -
Church networks, peacebuilding and women’s participation in Eastern DRC and the Great Lakes Region – a mapping study
Jordhus-Lier, David; Rosnes, Ellen Vea; Aasen, Berit (Samarbeidsrapport NIBR/SIK-rapport;2015, Research report, 2015)This report (i) map the religious civil society networks, (ii) assess their role in local and regional peace processes and (iii) address the organisation of women and the promotion of issues of women, peace and security ... -
Interkulturell kompetanse for alle, og vi må gå bevisst inn for den
Rosnes, Ellen Vea (Chronicle, 2018)Kronikk om at vi nødvendigvis ikke blir mer interkulturelt kompetente gjennom å bo i et mer mangfoldig samfunn. For at læring skal skje, må vi være motivert. Og ikke bare i skolen. -
Introduction: Connecting narratives of education. Chapter 1
Rosnes, Ellen Vea; Guidi, Pierre; Martineau, Jean-Luc (Chapter, 2024) -
Religionsskifte og utvikling i et kjønnsperspektiv : rapport fra et utredningsoppdrag til Det Norske Misjonsselskap
Rosnes, Ellen Vea; Johannessen, Øystein Lund; Skjortnes, Marianne; Kristensen, Anne Karin; Mestad, Ragnhild; Hadland, Leif (SIK-rapport, Research report, 2007)In 2005-2006 the Norwegian Mission Society (NMS) in cooperation with the Center for Intercultural Communication (SIK) carried out a project called Religious Change and Development Seen in a Gender Perspetive. The project ... -
Religiøs lese- og skriftkultur formidlet gjennom missjonsskoler
Rosnes, Ellen Vea (Journal article, 2019)Det primære målet med misjonens skoler var først og fremst kristendomsundervisning. Mulighetene for å gjøre dette gjennom egne private skoler og offentlige skoler var avhengig av den politiske konteksten misjonærene opererte ... -
Review of the joint programme: "Education for all in Madagascar (2011-2014)"
Rosnes, Ellen Vea (SIK report;2014:2, Report, 2014)This review analyses the joint programme, “Education for All in Madagascar” (2011-2014), which was financed by The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and implemented by three United Nations (UN) organizations: the ... -
Skole og misjon: læring til tro eller læring til liv?
Rosnes, Ellen Vea (Others, 2017)Det Norske misjonsselskap har, som mange andre misjonsorganisasjoner, sendt ut skolemisjonærer, bygd skoler, utdannet lærere og oppfordret menigheter til å ta ansvar for skolearbeid. I min forskning på misjonens skolearbeid ... -
A time of destiny for Norwegian mission schools in Zululand and Natal under the policy of Bantu Education (1948–1955)
Rosnes, Ellen Vea (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)When the purified National Party (NP) came to power in South Africa in 1948, they introduced educational policies based on the ideology of apartheid. At that time 7,183 pupils attended primary education in 110 Lutheran ... -
Tous contre le VIH/SIDA (2002-2005) : évaluation de la 1ère phase du Tous contre le VIH/SIDA (2002-2005) : évaluation de la 1ère phase du du Cameroun
Rosnes, Ellen Vea; Kristensen, Kåre; Fanta, Christine (SIK-rapport, Research report, 2006)All Against AIDS (PLS) started in September 2002, and is coordinated by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cameroon (EELC). The project is mainly financed by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). From ... -
Women’s path to leadership through values work in a context of conflict and violence. Kap. 9
Rosnes, Ellen Vea; Kessel, Terese Bue; Kanywenge, Jolly Namwesi (Chapter, 2020)The leadership journey is experienced differently by women around the world. In this chapter, we analyse the stories of women leaders from South Kivu, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Through these stories, we aim ...