Browsing VID:Open by Author "Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Barnehagen - kultur for læring om religioner og livssyn?
Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen (Chapter, 2012)I takt med de stadige samfunnsendringene endres også premissene for barnehagens innhold. Dette gjelder også religiøse og livssynsmessige aspekter. Barnehagens rammeplan forutsetter at religioner og livssyn skal ha en plass ... -
Creation in collision? Isaiah 40-48 and Zoroastrianism, Babylonian Religion and Genesis 1
Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)Isaiah 40‒48 emphasizes that Yahweh is a unique creator-god. Did the author(s) arrive at this idea by adopting, adapting or refuting other texts and traditions, and, if so, which? To this long-standing, unresolved scholarly ... -
The Creation of Darkness and Evil (Isaiah 45:6c-7)
Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2008)The oracle which names Cyrus as the messiah contains a passage which declares that Yhwh is the one who makes not only light and peace, but also creates darkness and evil (Isa 45:6c-7). This article looks at how this unique ... -
A Critique of Arguments against the Ordination of Women to Priesthood with Special Emphasis on the Argument from Jesus’ Maleness
Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen (Journal article, 2000)The question of the ordination of women to priesthood is one that has interested me personally for some years. At some stage I came across the document Inter insigniores from the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith ... -
Ecology and Economy of Shmita (Exod. 23.10–11; Lev. 25.1–7; Deut. 15.1–6): Biblical Texts and Contemporary Judaism
Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen (Chapter, 2020)The UN sustainable development goals acknowledge the connections between ecology and social justice. However, such realizations are not new. This article focuses on the relationship between, on the one hand, ecological ... -
Expanding Ecological Hermeneutics : The Case for Ecolonialism
Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen; Solevåg, Anna Rebecca (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)This article reviews current trends in ecological biblical hermeneutics and argues for a more expansive approach. As an alternative to the Earth Bible Project's “eco justice principles,” the Earth Charter is a cross-disciplinary ... -
Green Goals: The SDGs in Ecological Hermeneutics
Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The UN’s sustainable development goals (the sdg s) focus on people, planet and prosperity, aiming for a better world. Their underlying principle is the indivisibility of the goals, whether they relate to the environment ... -
Isaiah and Biblical Prophecy: Volume 1
Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen (Book, 2008) -
Isaiah and Biblical Prophecy: Volume 2
Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen (Book, 2008) -
Noah’s Ark As Conservation? An Ecological Reading of Genesis 6–9: Festschrift for Willie Van Heerden
Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In a world where loss of biodiversity is a major challenge, this article explores a dialogue between modern conservation theory and an ancient biblical text. Through the construction of an ecological hermeneutics based on ... -
Sustainability hermeneutics
Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Ecological issues are not just planet-related issues; they are also people-related issues, and vice versa, as the UN’s 2030 Agenda implies. Hence, ecological aspects in biblical studies should also be studied in relation ... -
The True and the False: The Structure of John 4,16–26
Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006)Jesus’ meeting with the Samaritan woman is surely one of the best-known stories of John’s Gospel, and one that commentators like to analyse in great detail. Several studies have shown the underlying structures of the ... -
Økologiske lesninger av Bibelen
Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen (Journal article, 2022)Bibelvitenskapen har vært gjennom en rivende utvikling i løpet av de siste tiårene. Flere nyere tilnærminger har blitt utviklet, ofte med utgangspunkt i utfordringer i vår egen samtid. Et eksempel på dette er økologisk ... -
Økologiske lesninger av Bibelen
Nilsen, Tina Dykesteen (Journal article, 2022)