• Definitions and measurement of health literacy in health and medicine research: A systematic review 

      Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Andersen, Marit Helen; Larsen, Marie Hamilton; Borge, Christine Råheim; Helseth, Sølvi; Wahl, Astrid Klopstad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Objectives: The way health literacy is understood (conceptualised) should be closely linked to how it is measured (operationalised). This study aimed to gain insights into how health literacy is defined and measured in ...
    • Effectiveness of a health communication intervention on health literacy in the first year following kidney transplantation – A randomized controlled study 

      Vidnes, Tone Karine; Wahl, Astrid Klopstad; Larsen, Marie Hamilton; Meyer, Käthe Birgitte; Engebretsen, Eivind; Hermansen, Åsmund; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Dahl, Kari Gire; Borge, Christine Råheim; Andersen, Marit Helen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a new health communication intervention focusing on knowledge management skills on health literacy and medication adherence during the first year following kidney ...
    • Non-invasive ventilation in the palliative care of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a scoping review protocol 

      Steindal, Simen Alexander; Hofsø, Kristin; Aagaard, Hanne; Mariussen, Kari; Andresen, Brith; Christensen, Vivi Lycke; Heggdal, Kristin; Karlsen, Marte-Marie Wallander; Kvande, Monica Evelyn; Kynø, Nina M; Langerud, Anne Kathrine; Ohnstad, Mari Oma; Sørensen, Kari; Larsen, Marie Hamilton (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Introduction: Patients with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) experience a great symptom burden. Breathlessness is a very frequently reported symptom that negatively affects all aspects of daily life ...
    • Simulation-based learning in palliative care in postgraduate nursing education: a scoping review 

      Skedsmo, Karoline; Nes, Andrea Aparecida Gonçalves; Stenseth, Hege Vistven; Hofsø, Kristin; Larsen, Marie Hamilton; Hilderson, Deborah; Smis, Dieter; Hagelin, Carina Lundh; Olaussen, Camilla; Solberg, Marianne Trygg; Bingen, Hanne Maria S; Ølnes, Mia Alexandra; Steindal, Simen Alexander (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background: Nurses require advanced competence in palliative care, but they face wide variations in education and a shortage in opportunities for clinical placement. Simulation-based learning (SBL) can enable students to ...
    • A systematic review of quality of life research in medicine and health sciences 

      Haraldstad, Kristin; Wahl, Astrid Klopstad; Andenæs, Randi; Andersen, John Roger; Andersen, Marit Helen; Beisland, Elisabeth Grov; Borge, Christine Råheim; Engebretsen, Eivind; Eisemann, Martin; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill; Hanssen, Tove Aminda; Haugstvedt, Anne; Haugland, Trude; Johansen, Venke A; Larsen, Marie Hamilton; Løvereide, Lise; Løyland, Borghild; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Moons, P; Norekvål, Tone M.; Ribu, Lis; Rohde, Gudrun E.; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Helseth, Sølvi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Purpose : Quality of life (QOL) is an important concept in the feld of health and medicine. QOL is a complex concept that is interpreted and defned diferently within and between disciplines, including the felds of health ...
    • Technology-supported guidance models stimulating the development of critical thinking in clinical practice: Mixed methods systematic review 

      Zlamal, Jaroslav; Gjevjon, Edith Roth; Fossum, Mariann; Solberg, Marianne Trygg; Steindal, Simen Alexander; Strandell-Laine, Camilla; Larsen, Marie Hamilton; Nes, Andrea Aparecida Gonçalves (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background: Nursing education has increasingly focused on critical thinking among nursing students, as critical thinking is a desired outcome of nursing education. Particular attention is given to the potential of technological ...
    • Use of active learning classrooms in health professional education: A scoping review 

      Bingen, Hanne Maria S; Aamlid, Hege Ingeborg; Hovland, Brit; Nes, Andrea Aparecida Gonçalves; Larsen, Marie Hamilton; Skedsmo, Karoline; Petersen, Eline Kaupang; Steindal, Simen Alexander (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background: Active learning approaches, such as the use of active learning classrooms, can be an important measure to prepare health professional students for work-life. In addition to teaching approaches, the design of ...
    • Welfare technology interventions among older people living at home—A systematic review of RCT studies 

      Pajalic, Zada; Agular de Sousa, Diana; Strøm, Benedicte Sørensen; Lausund, Hilde; Breievne, Grete; Kisa, Sezer; Saplacan, Diana; Larsen, Marie Hamilton; Jøranson, Nina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The main goal of health services is for the elderly to maintain their mental and physical health and live at home independently for as long as possible. Various technical welfare solutions have been introduced and tested ...