Browsing VID:Open by Author "Jensen, Per"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Family Therapy, Personal Life and Therapeutic Practice. The Map of Relational Resonance as a Language for Analyzing Psychotherapeutic Processes
Jensen, Per (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)In this article a middle range theory, called “the map of relational resonance,” will be presented. The concept of “relational resonance” as defined is developed for understanding the different ways in which therapists’ ... -
Hvordan kan «den store psykoterapidebatten» påvirke forståelsen av familieterapiforskningen? Hvilken terapeut har det beste tilbudet til hvilken klient?
Jensen, Per (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006)Denne artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i «den store psykoterapidebatten». Dette er blant annet en diskusjon om hvordan evidensbasert forskning og praksis påvirker familieterapiforskningen. I artikkelen presenteres noen ... -
Solidaritet - minnefortelling om Tom Andersen
Jensen, Per (Journal article, 2007) -
Spirituality – a forgotten dimension? Developing spiritual literacy in family therapy practice
Holmberg, Åse; Jensen, Per; Vetere, Arlene Louise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Spirituality is hard to approach and define in family therapy practice, both as a concept and as a process. Spiritual perspectives are seen as important in an ecological understanding of family life, yet there is a research ... -
The Narratives which connect... : a qualitative research approach to the Narratives which connect terapists' personal and private lives to their family theraphy practices
Jensen, Per (Doctoral thesis, 2008)The major aim of this research project is to look into some meaningful and important connec-tions between Norwegian family therapists’ personal and private lives and how their clinical practice may be created and constructed. ... -
To make room or not to make room: clients’ narratives about exclusion and inclusion of spirituality in family therapy practice
Holmberg, Åse; Jensen, Per; Ulland, Dagfinn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This empirical article presents four narratives from an ongoing qualitative PhD project about spirituality and family therapeutic practice. Using case studies and narrative vignettes, the article presents client perspectives ... -
Veiskiller. Tom Andersen i samtale med Per Jensen
Jensen, Per (Journal article, 2006) -
Virkningsdiskursen. Hvordan sprøsmålet "hva virker i terapi"? har kommet til å dominerer psykoterapiforskningen og vår egen forståelse av terapi
Jensen, Per (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009)Hvilke spørsmål er det som får dominere vår forståelse av samtalebaserte arbeidsformer i helse- og sosialarbeid? I dette essayet undersøkes den delen av praksis som ofte blir betegnet som psykoterapi for å forsøke å forstå ...