Blar i VID:Open på forfatter "Jensen, Jørghild Karlotte"
Introducing the National Early Warning Score – A qualitative study of hospital nurses’ perceptions and reactions
Jensen, Jørghild Karlotte; Skår, Randi; Tveit, Bodil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Aim: The aim of this study was to explore hospital nurses’ perceptions and reactions to the National Early Warning Score during an introduction programme. Design: A qualitative case study approach with participatory ... -
«National Early Warning Score» og sykepleiernes kompetanse. Om skjønn, klinisk vurdering og ansvar ved bruk av et standardisert verktøy
Jensen, Jørghild Karlotte (Dissertation Series for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at VID Specialized University;no.20, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Denne avhandlingen har utforsket forholdet mellom det standardiserte verktøyet «National Early Warning Score» (NEWS) og sykepleiernes profesjonalitet i form av kompetanse til å foreta kliniske vurderinger og til å utøve ... -
Patients' and nurses' experiences of caring in nursing: An integrative literature review across clinical practices
Hynnekleiv, Ingerd Irgens; Jensen, Jørghild Karlotte; Giske, Tove; Lausund, Hilde; Mæland, Elisabeth; Heggdal, Kristin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Aim: To summarise, interpret and synthesize research findings on patients' and nurses' experiences of caring in nursing across clinical practices. Background: Caring is a universal element of nursing; however, economic ...