Browsing VID:Open by Author "Holter, Knut"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
David Tuesday Adamo’s Academic Context: Nigerian Biblical Studies Navigating Between African Interpretive Concerns and Western Scholarly Traditions
Holter, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The essay focuses on some aspects of Nigerian biblical studies, that is, Prof David Tuesday Adamo's immediate academic context. The core question of the essay is how the balance between African interpretive concerns and ... -
'Den andre leseren' som tolkningsmessig inspirasjon og korrektiv: Noen erfaringer med interkulturell bibellesning blant ungdom
Holter, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)«The other reader» as an interpretive inspiration and corrective: Some experiences with intercultural Bible reading amongst youths. Based on empirical data of a project where youth groups from Norway, Madagascar and ... -
Jan-Martin Berentsen som lærer
Holter, Knut (Chapter, 2006) -
The Maasai and the ancient Israelites : an early 20th century interpretation of the Maasai in East Africa
Holter, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)The idea that a certain ethnic or social group is historically related to the ancient Israelites is a widespread phenomenon in Africa. In some cases the identification is made from a 'we'-perspective about 'our' group, ... -
Pregnancy and psalms: Aspects of the healing ministry of a Nigerian prophet
Holter, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)The essay analyses the healing ministry of a prophet operating within one of the African Instituted Churches in Nigeria, and it focuses on his instrumental use of texts from the biblical Book of Psalms – read “into” olive ... -
The role of historical-critical methodology in African Old Testament studies
Holter, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)Based on the observation that the historical-critical methodology used in mainstream biblical studies reflects 18th to 20th century western epistemology and hermeneutics, the article addresses the role of this methodology ... -
The second commendmant and the question of human dignity in Africa : a creation-theological perspective
Holter, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)In a context focusing on the Decalogue in relation to the question of human dignity in Africa, two sets of texts interacting with the Second commandment from a creation-theological perspective are analyzed. One is the core ... -
Some interpretive experiences with Isaiah in Africa
Holter, Knut (Chapter, 2017)After an introductory case study of how the Seraph Song in Isaiah 6:3 is translated in Malagasy bibles and liturgies, the essay broadens the perspective and discusses interpretive experiences with Isaiah in two major ... -
Thou shalt not smoke: Content and context in the Lord's Resistance Army's concept of the Ten Commandments
Holter, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)With the Ten Commandments as a case, the overall focus of this article is how a reader’s a priori concept of a text influences how he or she allows textual content and interpretive context to interact. The frame of the ... -
What shall we do with the Canaanites? An ethical perspective on Genesis 12:6
Holter, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Colonial biblical interpretation - such as for example Moritz Merker’s study of the Maasai (1904/1910), where he claims that they are historically related to the ancient Israelites—tend to see both “Israelites” and their ... -
Å skape guder i menneskets bilde
Holter, Knut (Journal article, 1994)A popularization of parts of the author's dissertation: Imago hominis : a study of Second Isaiah's idolproduction passages - Oslo University, 1993