Blar i VID:Open på forfatter "Dietrich, Stephanie"
Anmeldelse av Converting Witness: The Future of Christian Mission in the New Millenium
Dietrich, Stephanie (Journal article, 2021)Converting Witness: The Future of Christian Mission in the New Millenium Edited by John G. Flett and David W.Congdon Lexington Books/Fortress Academic London, 2019 -
Bildungsaufgabe Willkommenskultur
Dietrich, Stephanie (Journal article, 2016)All Europe’s churches are experiencing the effects of the refugee catastrophe. What does this critical situation mean for the life and mission of the churches? How might it be addressed in the realm of their voluntary work? -
Diakonen – kall og profesjon
Dietrich, Stephanie; Korslien, Kari Karsrud; Nordstokke, Kjell (red.) (Book, 2011)Boken Diakonen – kall og profesjon er skrevet av ansatte ved Diakonhjemmet Høgskole og diakoner i felten. Dette er en oppfølger av Diakoni – en kritisk lesebok som kom i 2009. Vi ønsker å sette fokus på diakonens kall og ... -
Diakontjenesten i Den norske kirke
Dietrich, Stephanie (Journal article, 2009) -
Editorial RES 3/2022 religion, religious actors, and roma Inclusion in Romania and beyond
Holte, Bjørn Hallstein; Dietrich, Stephanie (Journal article, 2022) -
Faith as an asset in a community development project: The case of Madagascar
Rakotoarison, Zo Ramiandra; Dietrich, Stephanie; Hiilamo, Heikki Tuomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Contributing to the emerging religion and development literature, this study sets out to analyse the role of faith in the context of a particular development approach, ‘Use Your Talents’ (UYT) at the Malagasy Lutheran ... -
God's mission as a call from transforming unity
Dietrich, Stephanie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This article offers a critical reflection on the World Council of Churches Conference on World Mission and Evangelization in 2018 in Arusha, asking for a renewed focus on and discussion of ecumenical and missional theology, ... -
“If we throw the roma out of the tent, we throw Jesus out of the tent”: Reflections on the role of religious actors in roma inclusion in Oslo, Norway
Holte, Bjørn Hallstein; Dietrich, Stephanie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article presents re"ections on Roma inclusion in the context of intra-European mobility. It begins with accounts of visits to two religious actors running centres providing humanitarian assistance, social services, ... -
Tackling poverty with local assets: A case study on congregational asset-based community development in a Lutheran church in Madagascar
Rakotoarison, Zo Ramiandra; Dietrich, Stephanie; Hiilamo, Heikki Tuomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)How can congregational diakonia contribute to community development in the absence of external resources? Community-driven development rests on the principle of development through community participation. Faithbased ... -
"Use Your talents". Refleksjoner over en diakonal bistandsmetodes mulige relevans i norsk kontekst
Dietrich, Stephanie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Artikkelen drøfter hovedaspekter ved bistandsprosjektet ”Use Your Talents”, et kompetansebyggingsprosjekt i flere afrikanske land med fokus på menigheten som lokalsamfunnsaktør. Kjerneanliggendet er myndiggjøring av mennesker ... -
Zukunftsperspektiven der Ökumene- Reflexionen aus lutherischer Sicht
Dietrich, Stephanie (Journal article, 2020)