Blar i VID:Open på forfatter "Arora, Sanjana"
CAMEO. Et evaluering- og effektmålingsprosjekt av aktivitets- og omsorgsprosjekt for eldre i fengsel
Rocha, Paulo; Brooke, Petra; Stene, Eleni Maria; Arora, Sanjana; Steindórsdóttir, Bryndís Dögg (VID Rapport;2024/3, Research report, 2024)CAMEO-programmet (Come and Meet Each Other) ble utviklet som et rehabiliteringstiltak for eldre innsatte i norske fengsler, med mål om å bedre deres fysiske og mentale helse, og skape en fengselshverdag som etterligner ... -
Changing dynamics of caregiving: a meta-ethnography study of informal caregivers’ experiences with older immigrant family members in Europe.
Shrestha, Sunita; Arora, Sanjana; Hunter, Alistair; Debesay, Jonas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: The population of Europe is ageing and becoming more ethnically diverse due to migration. Finding suitable long-term caring arrangements for older immigrants in Europe has been one of healthcare policymakers’ ... -
Intergenerational ambivalence among families with a migrant background caring for older relatives
Shrestha, Sunita; Hunter, Alistair; Debesay, Jonas; Arora, Sanjana (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: Europe's population is aging and becoming more ethnically diverse due to migration. The growing number of aging migrants has raised concerns about their future eldercare arrangements and their implications ... -
The morality of care: Female family caregivers’ motivations for providing care to older migrants
Shreshta, Sunita; Arora, Sanjana; Hunter, Alistair; Debesay, Jonas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Finding suitable long-term care arrangements for older migrants in Europe, including Norway, has been a major concern for healthcare policymakers in the last decade. However, many older people with migrant backgrounds, and ...