Blar i VID:Open på forfatter "Aaslund, Håvard"
Fra «Brukermedvirkning» til «Demokrati» – språkets betydning i deltakende aksjonsforskning. Kap. 6
Aaslund, Håvard (Chapter, 2019)Kapitlet presenterer et deltakende aksjonsforskningsprosjekt der prosjektmedarbeiderne utfordret begrepene i den sosialfaglige diskursen. Begreper som bruker, botilbud, rusavhengig og aktivitet ble sett på som barrierer ... -
How people with lived experiences of substance use understand and experience user involvement in substance use care: A synthesis of qualitative studies
Selseng, Lillian Bruland; Follevåg, Brit Marie; Aaslund, Håvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)There is a need for more knowledge on how people with substance use problems (SUPs) understand and experience user involvement when receiving care. In this systematic review, we identify and reanalyse the existing qualitative ... -
Hvilke posisjoner kan være vanskelige å innta i forskning for medforskere som er avhengige av hjelpeapparatet? Om samskapingsprosesser med medforskere fra marginaliserte grupper
Syrstad, Ellen; Aaslund, Håvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The article is based on two PhD studies in which marginalized co-researchers who depend on the aid apparatus contribute to co-creation of research. The first study includes parents whose children are placed in public care; ... -
‘The Long and Winding Road’ — Collective action among people experiencing homelessness
Aaslund, Håvard; Seim, Sissel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)What possibilities exist for collective action among marginalised people? Through participatory action research (PAR), we study possibilities for collective action among people affected by homelessness and substance use. ... -
Marginalised groups protest against social welfare and public health: conceptualising the challenge for social workers
Aaslund, Håvard; Chear, Charles (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)As neoliberalisation and other global disruptions change the understanding of human rights and social justice for social workers, how are protests organised by marginalised groups against social welfare and public health ...