Blar i VID:Open på forfatter "Østervold, Monica J"
Forbedringsseminar som metode for å styrke sykepleiestudenters kompetanse innen forbedringsarbeid og fremme pasientsikkerhet innen legemiddelhåndtering
Reime, Marit Hegg; Østervold, Monica J; Haugsmyr, Eli; Remme, Åsa Rommetveit; Lybak, Kari; Jørgensen, Øyvind; Kvam, Fred Ivan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)Quality improvement projects between academia and clinical practice are in demand. The aim of this project was to develop and test an improvement method which could be implemented in a busy clinical hospital environment. ... -
Health professional students’ self-reported emotions during simulation-based education: An interpretive descriptive study
Madsgaard, Anine; Røykenes, Kari; Østervold, Monica J; Smith-Strøm, Hilde (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Aim: This study aimed to explore active students’ experiences of emotions during simulation-based education (SBE) sequences when a simulation was performed as a part of formal curriculum in natural educational settings and ...